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Everything posted by titustitus

  1. Hi all, Looking for the above. Please pm me if you have one to sell. Thanks!
  2. Got a pic of the algae you're facing? If your tank is still cycling it might be diatom. Running some phosphate removal like Rowaphos can help. My tank is pretty new and because i ran rowaphos at the start, the diatom bloom wasn't very crazy. But at the slightest hint of diatom, i went to buy some nassarius snails to sift the sand and turbo snails which cleared them up pretty quickly. Sand dollar is also a good choice for sifting the sand. As for the glass, turbo snails can climb and graze as well but they will leave their snail tracks and won't completely clear the glass. Better to scrub off yourself. At least you're not facing hair algae like my tank hahaha. All the best!
  3. wa all this clownfish make me drool sia...
  4. Currently reserved! Pending collection tomorrow morning!
  5. Hi all, Got a frag of mohawk zoas for sale. At least 10 heads! Interested parties can PM me. Cheers! Going for $10, location Clementi
  6. Reserved for now and pending collection tomorrow night!
  7. Both pictures are of the same single piece - top view and front view
  8. Hi all, Selling my multi branching turquoise birdnest to clear space. Healthy and growing well. Interested parties can PM me! $20, location Clementi Cheers!
  9. Ups for you! Just got it from him today! Beautiful piece!
  10. As stated above! Interested sellers or if you see any somewhere can PM me! Thanks!
  11. Hi bros, Have some pinky orangey zoas to let go. $12 per frag of at least 10 polyps each. Left 4 frags! PM me for picture, FCFS! Cheers!
  12. Hi all, looking for the above. The blue kinda mandarin. Can pm me if you have them. Thanks!
  13. Thanks bro! Both reserved! Will update when collected tomorrow! Cheers guys!
  14. IM reactor shiok ah! Now i considering to get second one but must see the new skimz reactor how much first hehe
  15. Nice tank thread to see your gradual progress and learning!
  16. Hi all, have a 2 inch plus clam and a frag of pulsing xenia to let go. Pulsing xenia bought from Iwarna and was pulsing crazily but come my tank stopped maybe due to my high flow. Still very healthy and growing nee baby heads. Clam $30 and pulsing xenia $15. Buy both at $40. Interested can pm me.
  17. hi bros im looking for the above. pls pm me if u have. thanks!
  18. Hi bros,Have a StarPet satellite breeding box which can be used as a refugium or quarrantine box for sale. Works with an air pump which I'm selling as well. Bought both few days ago for $24 and selling at $20. Selling as it looks too big on my nano tank. Interested parties can PM me.Cheers!
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