Hi all,
Got 3 chromis for sale. All 3 for $5. Been with me for a few months, eats everything from pellets to mysis to brine and bloodworms. Want to reduce bioload. Location Clementi. Prefably collect tonight.
Can ctc me at 90934940. Thanks!
Hi all,
Have the following zoas for sale...
Picture of mother colonies:
1) 2 polyps uncommon orange skirt with green center - $35
2) 2 polyps Valentine Day Massacre - $35
3) 7+ polyps Fire and Ice - $25
4) 4 polyps Midas Gold - $20
5) 4 polyps pink skirt yellow center - $15
Location Clementi
Contact 90934940
Take all 5 for $120
Hi all,
Have a supersun to sell, at least 10 heads as seen in the pic. Will post another picture of when it is open at night later. Other picture of all the supersun as reference.
Location Clementi