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Zero Oxygen

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Everything posted by Zero Oxygen

  1. Ic ic sigh , money money and more money
  2. eh ah siao, you seem very familar with them ah...... gai siao me lah....hahahaha
  3. hehehe, i think the most sian part.....is not when you cant substain it when it is in our tank.... the most sian part is when it cant survive through the trip back hm..... really demoralising...... but really the place not bad lah..... especially the cashier
  4. If you afraid of not enough dissolved oxygen.... You can place your rainbar, vertically at one corner....... let one of the output hole be slightly above surface and the rest below lor.....will solve both problem hehehehe
  5. Yup, thats the one..... well not really the shop's fault too..... cause when i see the fish, its condition was abit battered......but very nice so bought it to see if can substain it......too bad.....
  6. thanks everyone on their informative suggestion....... will go down 1 of these days to look out for more information from those dealers. seriously me only want to get some form of transport, be it new or old.... as long dont too expensive...... reason for getting car is because company is giving out the car allowance if you own a car..... else every month allowances is only $50 dollar.....hehehehe if can find a car under budget then better, make full use of this transport allowances.....else i take public transport, every months also hundred over dollar. sigh still paying off my studies loan to my uncle....... hmmm jesperlam, you mentioned coe car...... but do those seller sell their car just based on the coe remaindents?? normally they will ask for a price on their car itself also right????
  7. The lighting should have nothing to do with it...... As for the food, wat do you feed it with???
  8. Current situation is the lower the better..... so if getting getz, or mazda 2 , how much is the break down ah???? If 10 years loan etc etc...... sorry i am really know nutz about buying car thanks
  9. Hehehe abit little i know, but i am thinking around $700 range........
  10. But wats the prices to pay for ah??? spoilt easily ?? petrol consumption ??? Hehehe idol why choosing car....... pai say
  11. Hi, Recently the coe price quite low, and some more many places allow no downpayment etc..... Company substidizing afew hundred dollars, on my own can fock out a few hundred more.....so thinking of getting a car for transport usage. No need to be chio or good performance. Just need it to be affordable and reliable. Anyone any idea what kind of model and how much..... What kind of scheme to take up ...... Any problem if selling later on etc etc.. hmmm if no choice, van also can heheehee Thanks
  12. IMO, better not put the lobster in......your box fish will most likely be the first to be eaten up by it. Altough many people say they are rather shy and only attack those dying or dead ls. But i caught my praying on those smaller and slower ls, dug up the whole rock work just to catch it out.
  13. Yup they look rather pro when handling the fishes.....And they do have some nice specimen around.... But i wanna complain argh....... Bough a Radiata from them yesterday......got home die liao..... .. The gill open until super big......whats the reason anyone any idea Going back this weekend to complain ........
  14. Due to constant rubbing, if you wanna let it heal up faster, you can put some melafix...... but monitor your skimmer.......... It heals up the abrasion area and the angel will feel better also..... Mine kanna when i first bought them too.....
  15. paris ris that area think all sold out liao.....
  16. Hmmm normally the blurring is the indication of growing from juvenile to adult. But 1.5 inch is abit to small to be changing yet.... Mine 3 inch still having change yet leh..... You check if it is the color blurring or it is something like abrasion.......
  17. One of the reason BTA split is due to stress...... maybe you wanna check your parameter......since the BTA is so small a size ....
  18. IMO, a canister is not enough even for a 2ft..... somemore if your skimmer is not powerful enough.... you will soon experience lots of algae growth. I think the lighting you mentioned is a FL light not PL..... did you get you stuff from Rainbwo at sreangoon norht
  19. dont think u should get anymore lifestock liao.....apparently you still have so many of them in your tank despite the last discussion everyone gave you .......
  20. I think after everytime they molted. Their whiskers will also get shorter. Then continue to glow until certain length, it is molting time......... long short, long short, long short............
  21. It is at paris ris farmway, not together with iwarna that farmway. But recently they not much stock...... asked the boss, he say this weekend or next week..... But hor, the price abit high....... For example..... snowflake eel.... iwarna around 6...there around 25......
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