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Zero Oxygen

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Everything posted by Zero Oxygen

  1. is there any way to remove them??? any algae cleaner fish??? snail, shrimp???? thx
  2. Ehhh for a 2 ft by 1.8 ft tank ah wat is the recommended range of flow rate ah currently my skimmer is running at 1500 litre per hour and my ehiem is running at 400 litre per hour. is it too much????? and after installing my lights, i notice that the surface of the live rocks and pump is being covered by brownish stuff.... like powder like that and i am thinking of adjusting my ehiem flow rate using the in/out valve..... will that damage the filter as i prevent the water from flowing out at the normal rate??? thanks
  3. Hihihi, yesterday i came across a boxer shrimp, wanted to buy but saw a lump on the side of the shrimp body. somewhere below the princer area. whats that ah?????
  4. hehehe dont think will be using MH. but just wondering if 2 tupe of T5 enough for my tank or 3 tupe needed if going for sps later.
  5. For a 2ft feet by 1.8ft high, is 2 tupe ATI t5 enough for SPS??? or do i need 3?? I understand that the more the better but dont wanna spend that extra money for only slight increase of benefits. and also the ATI from edmund, it is a retrofit.... so how or rather where to i fix the fixture to ?? in order to have a open concept tank thanks
  6. like that ah....... siao liao if want to keep SPS must spend $300 more. hmmm but beside SPS, other coral should be ok hor with only PL????
  7. hehehehe good to found this website where all expert are locals. but if i installed 2 PL lighting let say a 10000K and a actinic is it enough for SPS if i were to keep them at a later time? and as for the live rocks..... where can i find those better "cured" ah cause i put my tank in my bedroom..... hehehe wait my whole room stink like hell during the curing period..... where can i find affordable priced shop selling PL fixture???
  8. icicic but T5 a bit too expensive leh..... but my tank not really deep....... after all the DSB, think around 15" left..... at this kind of depth, PL still not enough to provide the intensity. heh thanks both andysho and Acanthurus pyroferus for their prompty reply
  9. Hmmm whos edmund ah???? why PL will kill SPS ah??? hmmmm metal halide for 2 ft is it overkill ah??? how much does a T5 cost around for a 2ft tank ah??? and metal halide how much u bought it for????
  10. thanks ........ i started off a new tank using grade 1, was wonder should i make any changes to it....... btw i thinking of buying some lighting. But i am confuse by the difference in T5 and normal Power Compact (PL) . Are these 2 the same or rather do they use the same kind of hood. And where to buy them at a more affordable price...... i been to petmart but they showed me florencence light hood. thanks again
  11. Hmmm i read ur msg liao...... u mentioned "can i said again that most of the reefer use grade 0 or 1 on the top for the so call fine " does that mean that either one of them is ok ...... hehehe confused
  12. Hi, totally new to marine...... just wondering which sand is proper for DSB. I heard some use grade 0, some use grade 1...... grade 0 will chulk up together while grade 1 is larger but less surface area. or a mixture of these 2 to be used ah??? thanks
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