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Everything posted by flo_reeftank

  1. Here my new addition from TFC heathy blu line angel Sorry the quality of the pic Cheers
  2. Quarantine I can swim inside lol Cheers
  3. Hi bro you can try TFC..spot one golden butterfly few days ago, don t know if still available , you might check with kelvin Cheers
  4. Yes it's what I think too..then will consider again Tks for your advice Cheers
  5. Bro You are expert in anthias, wanna ask you if a sunburst anthias can be keep alone ? I know anthias species do better in small group but just wanna ask your advice Cheers
  6. Bro how long you will treat the your tank with paraguard ? Cheers
  7. Nice to see your tank back Cheers
  8. Hi bro As bro tofubox said you can try marine life they are specialist in anemone and small fishes Cheers
  9. Fish collected by a nice reefer mod please the thread tks Cheers
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