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Everything posted by Tigger

  1. CL650 only $400?? But from where?
  2. No problem. But will place them in my sump if u dont mind, cos if put in main tank, latter difficult to catch.
  3. Hi All, Yesterday after dinner, my father-in-law open up a can of guiness stout. After emptying the content into a cup, he release that there was something in side. He cut open the container and found a plastic ball inside (size slightly smaller than a ping pong ball). Not sure if this is the latest marketting gimmick from them so would like to seek yr opinion? Will try to post a pic soon, have trouble transfering the pic from my camera ph to my laptop....
  4. hi all, intend to buy 6500K tube to improve the par of MH. ques: are all the mh tube connection from dif manufacturer the same type? becos i went to viclite website the mh tube for 6500K have RX and RXs type. I am using atman mh at the moment. thanks
  5. I have a spare 3 feet IOS tank in my study room. used to keep lohan fish but it die 4 months ago so its empty now. If u don't mind, u can tompang yr fish temporary 1st. but let me get blessing from my wife 1st. As for tank warming (if there is one end of this year) can pot luck. I sponsor KFC........
  6. bro, congras. when is your tank warming session??
  7. true i agree. but with so much problem lately(few months back CCK, bukit panjang black out too), is the contigency plan etc works??? Also the excuse is really BS. No natural gas suplly cos at this? Is SP telling us, the electricity we are getting have to rely on real time gas supply from Indonesia??? If this is the case, I am worry......
  8. power supply shld compensate us for all this crap....always power failure.......
  9. why nobody mention Tunze Stream........I mean Honda Stream? Easily one of the most affordable japaneses brand MPV........
  10. mine almost overflow after coming back 10days later from biz trip!
  11. Best is take taxi, cheaper too...
  12. six line wrasse dont barrow into the sand! Not all wrasse barrow sand!
  13. I have bot LS there before. So far zero casuaties... It depends on how u choose yr LS
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