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Everything posted by Tigger

  1. If heat is the concern, place the pump out sump. Eheim is more establish and but however is more expensive. I will still go for an Ehiem. I am a 1262 user and its running in my tank for 2 year now.
  2. Think Baracuda did some testing/reading before.
  3. I use the same container to drip Kh, Ca and Mg. Just wash the bottle before use.
  4. My DI water has no smell. Do u have a TDS meter to test it out?
  5. Yes, similar to those found in gym. However, I dont need such high end ones. Normal for home use good enuff liao.
  6. Bro, May I know where can get it at $6? Thought I saw some at pasir ris selling at more than that. If my memory serve me right, some shop quote me $12 or so.
  7. Would like to ask around if anybody knows has lobang to buy a stationary bike.
  8. i used more than one type of pellet. How to vote like that?
  9. I only have cyano problem whenever I change my Mh bulb or T5 tubes.
  10. Rav raise a valid point there. Which bulb in the market now offer the highest par now?
  11. Never knew Jebo also came out chillers
  12. Eco-Bat? The ones with Alien logo is it? Have not use it before. I am using a H&S. Its true skimming increase after each water change. I observed that too. Below are a short summary of all salt that I have used before. Coral life Cheap salt to use. Good solubility and clears up fast. However, I did not measure the parameters (Ca, Kh, Mg etc). Coral Marine (Aquacraft USA) Bad solubility and takes a long time to clear. Have not measure any parameter. Kent Marine Good solubility and clear fast. No measurement taken either. My final choice is still coral life base on the price and soluibilty. This is also my second bucket! I does trace element weekly and dose Iodine daily too.
  13. Why nobody choose Picanto. Maybe its too small. I love my pica. hehe
  14. U are using 2x150w or 2x250w?
  15. Good move. Coralline algae will start infesting yr tank.
  16. Does yr ORP meter comes with calibration liquid? Calibrate to ensure accuracy in reading.
  17. Hello Scarab, May I know where u get those ozone safe tubing?
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