Have the above for bid. Kept it for a year. Feeding on F1/F2 pellets and OSI spirulina flakes. WYSIWYG. Pics taken 5 mins ago.
1. Starting bid at $120.
2. Self collect at my place Sengkang, Rivervale Dr
3. I reserve all rights (ie I may give pirority/reject any reefer I deem fit)
4. Pilots to stay clear
5. Bid to end 16 Nov 06, 2359hrs.
6. Bid in dollar.
7. Collection on 2 Dec (when I clear my LR)
Pics of the golden angel. Same as this species. Unable to capture any pics of my fish as it is too shy(hidding in the rocks). Collection of all fishes schdule on 2 dec, that's when I clear all the rocks to catch the fish.
Selling a pair of true percula. Healthy and feeding on F1/F2 pellets and mysis. Very dark body. Spawn every two weeks.
1. Starting bid at $50.
2. Self collect at my place Sengkang, Rivervale Dr
3. I reserve all rights (ie I may give pirority/reject any reefer I deem fit)
4. Pilots to stay clear
5. Bid to end 16 Nov 06, 2359hrs.
6. Bid in dollar.
Selling my fishes. Healthy and feeding (F1/F2 pellets, OSI spirulina flakes, Mysis and Brineshrimp)
A)Powerblue Tang - 4 to 5 inches
Kept for - 1 year
Price - $30
B)Alantic Blue Tang - 5 to 6inches
Kept for - 8 months
Price - $100
C)Bristle tooth (good algae eater) - 4-5 inches
Kept for - 1.5 years
Price - $10
D)Golden Angel - 1.5inches
Kept for - 2 year
Price - $45
E)Longnose Hawk
Kept for - 1.5 year
Price - $18
Behaviour-Aggresive towards small fishes
Terms of sales.
Price non-neg. No pics at the moment. Will post some at nite. No reservation unless u willing to pay non-refundable 50% deposit to deter pilots. Collection on 2 Dec 06(Sat). Pls PM me if u are interested.