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Everything posted by Tigger

  1. DE, Does the manufacter have any data showing spectrum shift and intensity decay of this T5 tube. It would also be meaningful apart from just showing the intensity peaks etc..... I posted a similar question in yr DELUX MH bulb tread, but however have not gotten a favourable reply (apart from u quoting "800hrs" by manufacturer). Maybe some sort of decay chart will be good. I m sure it will open up more biz opportunity if the pdt u carry is of reputable origin. Thanks in advance.
  2. Bro, nice tank. How long have u kept the Coco worm?
  3. THC, share yr ATI lobang leh. I m sure alot of bros is interested in tried and tested pdt.
  4. If u guys run DD, wat ballast u use to drive it?
  5. Yes, same as Monster. I have blacklisted the list of pilots, no more deal w them.
  6. bro, becareful of this fish, it digs and "spray" sand. Mess up all my corals. I used to have 1, I m glad it finally die of old age.
  7. Can someone explain in layman's term the significant of the peaks?
  8. is yr pH meter calibrated in the 1st place?
  9. My take is, high flow + blue light = Coralline. Of course, Ca and kH must be good too (400ppm and 8dkh at least)
  10. will u be intrested if i want to sell my diy S denitrator for $100? The one i review at another forum. Just plug and play.
  11. Just check: How is the starhub BB connection when u compare daytime and nite time surfing?
  12. I find that the bus service, especially the frequency need to be improve. The seats are small imo.
  13. I have the same problem. Just leave it alone, it will be fine after a few weeks. I m not sure what happen either
  14. U can check it out from Reefdepot.com.sg
  15. bro, my advise is dont over feed the prata, once a week feeding with small market prawn meat is enuff - size of a 5cent coin. I notice that prata tend to puke if they are fed excess, hence make yr water dirty.
  16. Bro, I m glad my prata goes to a good home, yr decission to remove the angel is a wise one. After the removal of the angel, u are ready for more lps. lol
  17. Yes, I have to agree, its a nice specimen w good polpys extension, fast grower too.
  18. Izzit? Are u refering to the ones we got from nite shipment? I dont have such problem, infact they fourished and encrusted into the my rocks too. Could it be yr previous ionic imbalance that causes it? Btw do check yr Mg level constantly. Even thou ARM provides Mg, it may not supplement enuff as yr sps stock increases.
  19. dont think so as their tentacles not that long.
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