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Everything posted by nooraqilemo

  1. Hi...thank for helping..yea i have bio chem zorb, its from api product...nw running in it...isit ok...? Or i nid to use other kind of product..?
  2. hi all reefer...im still new and would like to double comfirm again, what should i have in the sump tank...? nw i have refugium, fr rowaphos, skimmer, filter sock and return pump that all...is there anitink else i left out..?
  3. Ouh ic nw i know razer light is gd...goin to change soon...
  4. Than nooraqilemo, on 17 Mar 2014 - 01:02, said:
  5. Rowa only required surface agitation while biopallet required more turbulent flow. If connect directly to rowa first to bp, it will surely flush all the media away right...?
  6. Hola all reefer.. any reefer knows wear to get just the sump tank only..?cause mine is small..
  7. Is it ok to pair them both with one flow and the outlet put near to the skimmer...?
  8. Bamboo- is the serangoon north hardware shop is beside bird shop...?
  9. Nanyang seaview is at seletar rite...?
  10. Justrc- hoe muh the chiller u bought at petmart..?
  11. Alexcyf- isit expensive the rate...?
  12. Tks 13-What kind of brand is your chiller...?
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