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Everything posted by Ken_ng

  1. Does anyone know if the hardware shops where we buy the PVC pipes from do cutting and drilling as well?
  2. Yeah they were showing signs of submission. Were because my skimmer overflowed and the water was fouled. They didn't make it. Sigh.
  3. If I may add, I think a) algae growth is fueled by light and excessive nutrients in the water (especially nitrates and phosphates). Limit the nitrates and phosphates, they got no nutrients to grow. I have no experience with Refugiums or fluidised reactors but I add a pack of Algone in my tank and I have seen very positive results in my two footer. fishes need ample room and a large volume of water. The room to swim around and the large volume of water to dilute the concentration of waste they would produce. Overstocking is the main culprit for fish deaths and poor quality water. c) from my little knowledge, plants & corals don't mix with fishes if you wish for them to flourish. They have very different requirements. d) flow around the tank is very important. Dead spots will accumulate deterius and algae will grow in those areas. The flow rate is important but I think the flow around the tank is paramount. Having said the above, what algae were you having previously? Different algae may signify different root causes. Hope this helps
  4. Thank you all the seniors for the feed back.. Please correct me if I'm wrong.. 1) get the traditional u shaped overflow boxes that is the most reliable 2) if the box is about $100, better to make a new tank 3) bubbles accumulate because of insufficient flow. So I should overpower my return pump and use a ball valve for flow regulation. 4) diy overflow pipes are cheap and easy to do Questions: A) Would bro land2013 or p.tm be able to give me a rough guide on how wide and long the PVC pipes should be? where to get PVC pipes and how do I prevent a loss of siphon in the PVC pipes? C) would eheim pipes work? Thank you very much everyone!
  5. Thanks bro boonboy and jameshong for the valuable input! I managed to get a good deal recently. A 2ft sump tank for a reasonable price. That's why I'm planning to convert my canister on the 2ft to a sump. I know a 2ft DT with 2ft sump is ridiculous but no choice.. That's why deciding on an overflow box and a return pump. Just worried that the overflow box siphon breaks and DT overflow. That would be disastrous. Thts why seeking the shifus advice here..
  6. Thanks guys! I have read that a hang-on overflow is like a ticking time bomb because if the siphon breaks, the main tank is going to overflow.. If the pump breaks down the sump is going to overflow. The second senario not as scary because if there is sufficient margin, the siphon would break after the level drops below the overflow level.. But for the first case, is there any preventive action possible? So based on the response, I should get a pump then pair my overflow to it as a reference and not the other way. Am I right?
  7. 2 feet tank I'm sorry.. Yeah I saw the skimz one. It's a monster.. I think that's too big leh bro lol. How to know which pump is sufficient? As in measure the flow rate?
  8. Dear reefers Anyone has a recommendation on a hang-on overflow for a two 2tank? 1) Where to buy? 2) what return pump should I pair it with? 3) how much roughly? First time trying to setup a sump. Please drop me some pointers. Appreciate all. Many thanks
  9. Looking for a) used power head or pump for mixing water. Any has one to spare? As long can run and won't electrocute me can already. Please let me know thanks. 92234393
  10. I just got a pair today. Fight and chase until like no tomorrow at first but now like a bit lesser already. Read online that it's necessary and normal because they need to establish the dominant and submissive r/s.. Should I be worried?
  11. Looking to trade the above for one carton of 1.5L Life distilled water. Both are healthy and well. Both the clown from aunty but end up fighting with my other clown. -.-" Want to give the clown a good home. My lost your gain. I bought the clown for $14. Text me 92234393. Thanks
  12. Why not too females together bro boon? They will fight? Thank you everyone! Just worried that they two will not get along
  13. Giving away one normal yellow tail damsel fish. Approximately 1.5 inches. Collection at Tampines. Text me at 9two2three4three9three. Want to clear ASAP.
  14. Peppermint shrimps spotted at ah beng. I bought some for myself as well.
  15. Bro ashwin I also want!
  16. Got a newbie question. If I have one true perc in my tank, would it pair up with any that I buy or would they fight till death? Or Do I need to pair them my sexes? One true perc looks a bit odd in my opinion. Thanks
  17. This is an awesome thread. Thanks for sharing bro tofubox.
  18. Don't have much experience but I think leaving non living things in the tank is disastrous. The thing will rot and eventually cause massive ammonia spikes. Not sure if pests will feed on it as well
  19. Bro ashwin! Yes tank is still very new. Been cycling only a month as of last week. This week added a guitar organ and a red zoa. Zoas have opened up but not as nice as yours! Haha.. Planning to keep LPS and softies.. Staying away from sps for the time being.. But I really like the Montis lol.. Bro erikokelf Yeah agreed with you most important is nutrient export.. Nitrates and phosphates. My nitrates are sitting at about 20ppm..phosphates are at about 0.5-1.0? The seachem test kit is so hard to use.. Bro James Yes I think it's the light as well.. Cause previously I cycled my tank for 3 weeks without the light.. No problem.. Last 2 weeks of cycling I turned on the lights.. And problem came.. Bro Julius I'm using bottled DI water from ntuc no tap water.. Heard many new reefers making that mistake so I didn't take my chances.. Thanks all for your valuable inputs! I will be getting some nerites and trochus snails.also a peppermint shrimp to battle this out
  20. Are these snails very expensive? Roughly about how much for one?
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