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Everything posted by bubble_gum

  1. think its a scroll coral.... sps tubirana..something duno hw to spell
  2. OMG that tank is very colourfull and awsome
  3. if only it was 5 times smaller upz for ur sale....
  4. thats a reefsafe butt but my tank is too small more info here
  5. sometimes those FW convert shops may bring in surprises but nothing greatlike my pink one
  6. didnt like me shifting it no great expansion
  7. wait till it grows an appitite like this one
  8. lucky its healthy with all the sweeping tenticles out
  9. the most regret thing i bought 25 bucks for this drabby brown thing at the farm under the blue lights it had orange tips... nw
  10. updates later guys give me a break.... from now on no more ITCH in my tank thread hor all of us have different opinions on itch and it will be a never ending story.... just keep ur fishes stress free and make sure they have a well balanced diet n no extended photopreriod
  11. bro i mean go fishless period..... and if i add in fishes i highly doubt i will be adding itch magnets
  12. huh did i say tt? i said add brain to add some colour(that is afther ur lighting upgrade u will see ur cup improve their polyp extention afther upgrading ur lightings too
  13. hmmm okok... bro get some nice brain to colour up ur tank and soon u will see ur cup turning into a plate of hair..... the polyps will extend even more then tt
  14. bro neat tank but u r running fl lights only?
  15. nola i havent get it yet still considering... my xenias have alot of movement themselves aredi
  16. hey bro i realised gg bare btm i can have my fave coral.... the elegence they need to be on the sand.... and i also found that my water current is way too strong to keep it aniwaes the skimate really surprised me.... guess i dun have to b looking for an aquaC remora anytime soon hmm i wonder how woud a purple firegoby look in my tank
  17. really impressed afther using this low end skimmer afther 9mnths
  18. remember its fishless ar... only feeding is to my corals and bloodshrimp
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