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Everything posted by bubble_gum

  1. upz pilots stay clear. 6 to 8 months old can nego abit
  2. both are used. collection is in kembangan. 1 i wash alredy. the 2nd one running in my tank with purple coralline algae. flamey, corals doing great. the bubbles are so huge that they stung my cyna pretty badly but doing ok now
  3. as the abv complete with box 1 is clean. 1 running in tank with coralline algae 38 EACH non nego take both for 70
  4. As stated. used about 10 months now running in freshwater. collection at my place in kembangan. pm me if interested. fcfs
  5. doesnt dama have some kind of acrylic bonding glue that is water proof n clear? but needs infra red light to activate? im nt really sure but remember the gal at the counter saying something abt it
  6. bro finally i see some fishes nice n clean tank too
  7. Scolymia vitiensis .... its a fiji/tonga prata irwana had them in for their fiji shipment a couple of months back. very hardy. can tolerate nips from fishes here and there http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/nov2003/invert.htm third pic on the left
  8. i mean small like a pebble size. put it in a tupperware or ziplock ya
  9. ntuc? unseasoned hor. u dun want to make sushi out of ur bicolour
  10. try this as it works for me... get nori n melt a cube of mysis n mix together. take a small pieve of liverock coat the rock with the mix n put it in the freeze. once frozen, put the rock back in ur tank. ur angel shud b curios n nip at it. it should start feeding by then HTHs
  11. yup thanks Abit messy this thread has become milky pink blasto with shiny green speckles $60 red and grey acan $40 (price revised from $50) Green acan $15 ($price revised from $20) pics are on the 1st page
  12. this milky pink blasto with shiny green speckles kena aeroplaned. selling at $60
  13. hiyah this time i think im seriously gg FOWLR. and my koran started biting on my red plate
  14. bro, im just moving away completely from corals n going for a bigger FOWLR. my tank is almost empty now. nothing to update. i get comments that my corals are not as colourful as b4 prob due to my water params n no blue lights btw the pics are tanken under 10k blvs only so its very yellowish
  15. thnks. must meet n soon n catch up k? im left with the 2 acans for now. anyone wants?
  16. green and orange acan enchinata red acan blasto merleti pink enchin items abv are reserved. item still avail. Green acan lord $15
  17. doesnt corals produce those luminous colors because the protect themselves from uv, no?
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