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Everything posted by bubble_gum

  1. yt is far cheaper that AT and sohal.... how about a shoal of yt and a sohal and dun forget the lavander tang
  2. hmmm still think the best is a shoal of yts... cheap, hardy, easy to feed, and the colour will stand out alot adding a splash of yellow over a background of green,purple,blue and pink sps
  3. AT when ur lights are off u wil only see orange spots swimming ard
  4. if only i ever decide on my tank hey can i put a sohal in a tub? jking2
  5. saw a yellow pagoda with green polyps and i didnt buy it
  6. bro u didnt get stunned by reefworld's lps shipment yest?
  7. more reason to buy more corals so got more pictures to take
  8. wah so now can expect more and more and more pics muahahahahaha
  9. oooo better take notes... im sure what u found out will be very useful when i get my new tank
  10. so the bigger the diameter the better the flowrate? the better the flowrate the more efficient the chiller?
  11. will tank a better pic of the set up soon im still quite surprised what i could stuff in the tank beck then
  12. as the abv with black cabinet 100dollars cash and carry and i will give u a 55 watt CRaquarium pl lightset for free here is a pic of the 2ft tank when i used it as my reef
  13. eh sorry neber read properly... u transferring matured stuff from another tank
  14. so fast added fish in i tot u just got ur tank?
  15. bro at least ur cycling starting... mine i havent even order my tank
  16. come to think of it it is a gd deal.... yt and pt are nt fighting so can put tog... eating someore ppl nwadays places which quarantine yt and pt also dunno whether they will fight to death if u buy them tog think abt tt upz for ur sale
  17. but then again this is the first time i had money on my atm acc.
  18. bro relax..... when i ws elling my fishes also like dat... best just ignore them.... they will get tired one way or another stay happy
  19. sis its reefworld... nt irwana... sorry.. salah.... but got 2 pieces of yellow tongue coral and yelow pagoda with a green polyps
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