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Everything posted by bubble_gum

  1. medium blasto- terry -alien07 big blasto - redserpent small basto - jason poh upz... fan still available
  2. urmmm will upload the pics but the polyps of the smaller frags are nt out yet the big frag is reserved. collection will be tmr morning if u wana view it cos its the only time my parents are in the house. ps this are merletti frags... each pulyp are abt 1cm in diameter.... they ar enot wellsis where the polyps are huge big at the top left hand.... medium in the centre n small botton right
  3. 6 in line fan 39cm length - $35 collection at kembangan mrt
  4. basto merletii frag brown with green centre large:abt 25 polyps - $20 medium: abt 10 polyps - $15 2pc small : abt 5 polyps plus - $5 heres the pic of the large one
  5. bro, just wan to noe b4 commiting to the sale... where is the plc of collection? any pics?
  6. upz... when i mean mountable it like those u can clip on the side of the tank there are screws that come with it
  7. thanks for the monti bro... its huge!!
  8. as the abv... its the 6 in line cooling fan that is mountable on the side of the tank collection at kembangan mrt if interested pls reply tru pm asking for 35
  9. black suns with white tenticles... i only saw it once in a coral book where did u get this fella
  10. y nt try kimage training academy to dye your hair? the students who just graduated from hair sch will dye your hair 4 you n theteachers will be there to assist... its just hair colour... the damage wont be much anyway unlessit has been damaged periously and its preety cheap... 1colour dye ard 15 to 30 pop
  11. Kurt Cobain - the cave thanks to scaping using eggcrate flamey - woi slamat hari raya hiyah u nw werking full time so bz... hw to go lfsing together like last time im getting to some closeups soon... abit bz nw with sch
  12. Tanga - hi bro.. thanks. here are my tank specs Lights: 10 000k 150watt mh + 2 24watt pl actinic chiller: resun 650 skimmer : macro neddlewheel 150 flying carpet - will get to that soon... im left with very common corals bro lost alot of stuff after the meltdown Sandisct - the tank is about a year plus old cant find my old tank thread... cant remember exactly
  13. bro money has always been an isuue for refers who are still studying trust me i noe cos i m one. i had almost the same set up as u. t5s w/o chiller n no sump too. i kept 2 croceas and after 6months their colour started to fade and their tissue started to thin. maybe you could try n read at www.clamsdirect.com i fould out that sqamosas and derasas are best for anythng less than mh but the downsize is they get really big and suck ur kh like mad i learnt alot about clams from that website. gd info
  14. decentkid & Terryz_ - i had to let go the harlequin tusk cos it was getting too big . IMO a 6inch fish in a 2 ft tank is way too big and i should never add fishes that will grow to a size more that 3inch in the first place nakazoru - i maintained my tank temp at 28 to 29 using the fan and the aircon in my room at night. it is possible to do w/o chiller and just a fan with t5s but the salinity will fluctuate alot due to high evaporation rate, i find that at some poit im sure the temperature will still fluctuate esp when the day gets too hot. considering the total sum i spent on corals, might as well get a chiller as i dun wana risk losing anymore due to heat issues. as for lighting, i do realise when i had a small 2by2by1 w/o a sump and used 4HOt5 lights, the light was perfect for lps and soft corals. however after a year using this 2by2by1.5(width) tank, t5s just aint good enuf and i had to keep the corals on the upper half of the tank so with the chiller, i recently got a second hand mh from a bro here alien07 - the tank is 1.5ft wide aquasaping is a PITA
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