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Everything posted by bubble_gum

  1. what happen to all ur clams? thought u had many more? aniwaes nice lps
  2. change every week abt 25%.... no fish. lps and 1 bloodshrimp only more to replenish trace elements just change lucky my tank only 2ft im having a bare btm tank and i vacuum the tank btm wif a syphon hose while doing water changes
  3. nice clams upz for ur sale....u nt selling ur derasa?
  4. nice button/meat coral.... whr did u get it?
  5. still had quite a no. of pratas on fri b4 the new shipment wat
  6. is the chanting werking? sis im still in the process of getting a pink prata...still trying to phyco some one to sell me
  7. tt looks scary can leave t out of the water liddet ah
  8. this xenia has brown polys but a white stalk
  9. here are some pics b4 lights off taken yest
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