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Everything posted by bubble_gum

  1. nice colour too... bubbles are greedy... mine has its feeding tenticles out all the time
  2. mybe but didnt see a moon that look like this b4 just wanted to find out what it exactly is
  3. ur bubbles are really preety
  4. they have but acan lords look like this? if it is an acan... just have to find out which one still no1 can positively id this?
  5. maxi brown... abt 3inch... bought at 30 looking for a blasto merleti preferbly nt the green and brown one.. have that hoping for somthing different fat hope? maybe just trying my luck
  6. some bleached... nothing to hype abt look at by prata... from brown and red to white and red look like strawberry ripple though but can see some green coming back at the white parts
  7. mouth is apart from one another but the flesh extends to anoter mouth.. no cam with me nw hw to take nite shot one polyp by one polyps? looks like interconnected tenticles stong enuf to grab mysis 1st pic got some skeleton showing though... can id from that?
  8. forgot the pic flamey the rocks from i aquarium abt 4 a kg only decided to keep the rocks ap passed to me instead.... those were the ones i used for my reef a year in her tank.... super matured by my standards
  9. acan? u must be kidding me? maybe some relative close to it hw bout the other one no idea what is it.... seems to be encrusting to me looks so flat and the mouths ae far apart from one another
  10. maybe should start taking with flash then "real colours" can be seen no flash and i get some purple glow from those dam actinic my harlequin tusk ... can see some of my corals bleached on the sand started bleaching when i transfered corals from the old tank
  11. resized with paint software wat photo editing? just snap n put lor... nikon coolpix or something like that
  12. heres a recent pic.... doubt melting blastos recover and look like this anyone got any idea???
  13. yellow with green mouth thanks to bro flamey for helping me snap some pics
  14. my firs tiny frag after a long time
  15. tips are more pink than this in real life
  16. can sum1 help me id this... looks to me like some kind of favia... tot it was a liminous green blasto
  17. some updates... tank too packed with rocks... too much deadspots removed rocks and some corals were smothered with algae added 1/2 a litre of rowa increased flow...cant wait to det my hands on a seio820 did MINOR shopping
  18. bro can update me if the chevvy really helps alot with the algae prob just wana know how effective are these lawnmowers dun wana add a tang but if the bristletooth is really effectinve then.... hermit crabs and sallyfoots are just a PITA
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