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Everything posted by bubble_gum

  1. nano quite shallow. so pl i think enough. ml1ft nano use 2 11 watt pl
  2. ammonia, nitrite all zero. nitrate not tested yet. cycled it quite long and added a coral every 3 days and now here it is. the starpolyp n the macro was there since cyling. comments2
  3. added 2 11 watts of pc lighting. added corals and a big piece of macro algae.... n here it is
  4. ya, it was the wan with squamosas n claimed they had cites. think they relly have though hard corals making a comeback liao. got liverock also
  5. i have a nano 1ft cube but still very young. think i stocked too fast. doin 50% WC 2x a wk but i did cycle it for one mnth though. no money to put anything but liverock inside first
  6. if im not wrong either end of this week or next wk got SPS shipment in one of the shop at IRWANA. was there jus now. bz building new tubs. was toking to one of the workers der.... or issit the boss/importer......
  7. anythng else besides plate hammers n bubbles n juwels? was der last wk but heard shipment kena delayed
  8. wah nice tank. top part so bare.... waiting for sps huh?
  9. err bro.... ur pQ eating aredi huh? y nt let go the other fishes and start on a anthias reef tank. ONLY anthias n corals.....Whakakakakaka
  10. i seen my fren's cleaner warrese eat flakes.....
  11. wow tts nice. any pic? wat if i keep a citron clown goby n a green clown goby together?... btw where did u buy it?
  12. maebe he buy got cites wan. now hard coral comin back liao. no cites also expensive
  13. can share experience with those hu kept this b4
  14. i did tt b4 my mom's softies tank has both of them. but i think nt recommended
  15. i moved my 2 ft to a new position n a new stand. ended up with my corals not opening up especially my bubbles.... for ard 2wks worst still my clown n yt dies due to whitespot from the stress aft moving then my squamosa gapped like crazy for almost a month but now has recovered very slowly. IMHO, u should set up a tank in its permanant resting place but in the case that u have to move it, y nt set up a holding tank or basin. u know, those large round ones. add likerock, water from yr tank when u do WC. den ur corals n fishes last. do it slowly n move the stuff over a period of a wk?. then reintro dem back to the same tank again like stockking up a new tank, only faster.
  16. hiyah enough la. poor kid man. even though he has to learn a little more respect and correct his AP but i think u should just give him a break man. if u offer ur help n he doent want it u dun lose anythng.... dun be so stressed up abt this. and to the felloer little reefer, take it easy man. dun worry bout this thread but put ur energy in reading up more and maebe try to improve slowly. one more thing, dont le this hobby distract u from ur sch. it happened to me during olevels last yr n i regretted it hope i didnt offend u though
  17. after moving my tank, none of my corals, es[ecially my bubble open up. this lasted for 2weeks. even worst, i lost my clown n yt which has been wif me for 6mnths den my clam started to gapp
  18. yup. at pac marine got a few really nice ones, reefworld only got one which attracted me man.
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