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Everything posted by bubble_gum

  1. stronger than 2000l/h? dun tink can fit in my internalsump bro hmm maebe a cleaner shrimp wii do gd
  2. da noise da noise hahahah mus tahan. got used to the noise of my old skimmer aredi
  3. bubbles produced hmm i hope with the skimmer les chance tank crash. somore tank running near 3mnth plus. will stock slowly now. learnt my lesson
  4. nothing to skimm cycled rocks n a turbo and urchin does it look like the water level too high?
  5. 2011 with pump rated 2000l/h tanks to bro ryz
  6. overkill for 10 gal of water? maybe but i heard ppl kept on saying its better to overskimm than underskimm right? this is how my internal sump area looks like
  7. my problem is fixed to tackle the nutrient export prob.... will still do my weekly water change.... look closely at the back....
  8. okok this will sound familiar.yes it was my 1ft whellers cube but after the tank crashed, i planned out everythg aredi and found out the problem......stocking too fast and no nutrient export relax.....nothing died. transferred all my LS to my moms softies tank n my whelers to my 2ft reef so here it is now
  9. whr did u get that bro? a blasto v difficult to come acrosss
  10. the common ones will do... den u can c the shells of shrimps n crabs after placing one in yr tank
  11. octopuses escape cos i think they r hungry.... maybe dat means there is no more crabs in ur tank an octopus cost ard8 dollars da last time i bought eh u haf cleaner shrimp rite? the octopus confirm will eat it. i dun mind adopting it aniwaes i logging off nw. dad wnt to do somthng wif they net tmr he is werking n he is still awake
  12. octopus very common wad?? had one for 2mths till it escaped n dried up sushi anyone hahahaha pasir ris always got octopus wan. but nver seen it recently though
  13. ya it will eat all crabs shrimps n ur beloved..........MANTIS!!!! sine u only have 3fish left, i wouldnt bother if the octopus gets hungry or u could sell them.
  14. lucky y tank small man.less rocks so less chance to get mantis bro y nt get an octopus since ur tank so huge
  15. sure nt pistol shrimp? eh i do see lots of potential frags in ur tank cant wait to c it tml
  16. pods r food 4 ur corals n fish
  17. oh ya another thing... thats a galaxy near ur purple sponge right??? move it away quick cos the bloody stingers get everywhere.... it done big damage on my pagoda cup.... lucky can heal
  18. ermmm u should place it high up on the rocks. its a maxima rite? i dun even fell right keeping my squamosa n derasa under plcs
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