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Everything posted by Jacky2009

  1. No..It won't release any black liquid when eels swallow the baby squids.
  2. I bought it from Wet market but seldom hv stock so mostly I feed my eel with baby squid. New eel sometime need month to use to new environment. Be patient. If still don't eat observe his breathing if fast either water got heavy metal or copper... even eel very sensitive with fibreglass live rock.
  3. The small one I kept at my friend place because the other 3 big guys stress him out. Tank top cover with acrylic sheet with weight to prevent accidently jump out issue.
  4. Thanks for all comments and viewing. All eels healthy and growing live peacefully with tankmates. The below links is latest update:
  5. After 3 Months lost 1 of the moris coz bullied by the other 3. Here attached with latest video update - moris idols release to DT.
  6. Latest Update of My Honeycomb Eels. You Tube Sharing: Thanks for Viewing!
  7. Thanks for viewing! Eel very poor sight they tracking food with smell. Normally hand in the tank without having raw seafood smell on hand they never bother. But dont ever hand in when feeding moment they very agressive sometime will accidentally get injure.
  8. Hi Guys, Here some honeycomb eels feeding moment video taken on 20/8 (Tuesday). Total time too long about 15mins unable sharing full lenght video. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for viewing. Cheers! My Honeycomb's Feeding Moment Prt 1 My Honeycomb's Feeding Moment Prt 2
  9. I order my eels from KL aquatic. I must said they provided very good service really helpful even i'm just a hobbyist. The price range for eels is depend on size from SGD150 - SGD300. I consider this is a good deal as we not in bulk order. Ya! my tank is 6ft but narrow. I wonder why i didnt feed much the batfish but he till growing bigger. LOL
  10. Thanks for advise. No worries. I will keep on eye to observe carefully to ensure water quality and teritory issue to maintain this tank condition. I glad that my beckett skimmer very powerful able to pull out ton of waste.
  11. Thanks.Bro. My current tank setup on 2009. Before i in passion with honeycomb eel previous this tank keeping big angel, multi type tangs/surgeon and butterfly as well. Until i decided to add in honeycomb eel then i starter to sell off 60% fishes so currently the big blue ring, map angel is the longer with me since 2009 then going by Vlamingii tang, Spotted Unicorn Tang and etc more then 1-2 year. The 4pcs honeycomb eel is new incomer temporary observed they didnt bother orther tankmats but still in caution. They are awesome especially when they swim around with thier stunning body texture. But thier appetite very good able to eat total of 30pcs 4"Ikan Bilis lucky my beckett skimmer still able to support on high bioload. The most attracted is eel desease resistant and able live at captive more than 20 years. Happy Reefing! Cheers!
  12. Thanks! Bro. Currently I have 3 linked tank (6ft +4ft+4ft) with total of 2000litre (500Gallons) water capacity very 3 weeks water change 30-40%. I am using beckett skimmer and O3 so every weeks have to up essential element and weekly top up KH powder to keep PH between 8.o to 8.2. Daily feeding pellets soak with Zoe (Vitamins) + Zoecon (Omega) to keep all fishes healthy and growing. Due to heavy feeding daily wash filter bag & 3 day change the top layer of filter cotton. The above is the maintenance routine I have been apply many years. Happy reefing! Cheers!
  13. Thanks! Bro. Ya I am not newbie and have been in marine hobby for past 19years. At past experience successfully to keep a lot of juv angel or tangs from 2" to 12" in a year at healthy growing conditions. Even a group of nemo (percula clown) able to live in captive for 6 years ++. Now in love with eels combination with hardy tankmate. In this new passion of eel im a newbie and I hope I able to keep them for atleast 10years only can consider succeed.
  14. Thanks! We always have to be caution when eel with tankmate & observe eel behaviour from time to time. We always thought eel will eat fish but currently I have a experience that a 4"juv regal dare to pick eel till serious injure and cause of that I have to act prompt to jail the juv regal. Unbelievable! Currently my eel hv been with my fishes for a month so far didn't see them try to hunt any fish only when feeding moment I use feeding tong feed them they will swim around smell the seafood Iocation. I love the combination of eel with tankmate, off course if I saw fish injure or bite by eel I will transfer all fish to another tank.
  15. Thanks for your support! My MI currently at QTank without any deco soon finished Q i will take out skimmer and link back to another 2 tank. Furthermore I will setup some simple scenery for them.
  16. Thanks for your concern. Most of my fish is growing from juv till now fully adult in this tank. They all healthy and long time with me. In the video's you saw them like jam beside cause they saw me in infront tank take shot. After i left they swim around and they (eel and fishes) never bother each orther at all, off course after few years the eel bigger sure need bigger room to house all of them. The video show all eel swim actively is looking for food on feeding moment. They half of the time love hide in thier cave so there still hv plenty of room to keep my giant fish in this 6ft tank. In future plan to build new tank at size of 12x3x2.5(H) to keep my 4 honeycomb eel which can grow to 5.9ft maximum lenght.
  17. Currently have 4 nos of Morish Idol's in quarentine tank about 1 month. They all eat pellets only. So i feed them daily 4-5 time soak with vitamins & omega. This is the last batch of live stocks to quarentine. So another month i will converter this q tank as one of my morish idol only display tank without any stressful raise up. Hopefully i able to keep them as longer as possible. Cheers! Here some video sharing: Morish Idols Wait for Feeding Morish Idols Feeding Moment
  18. Currently i'm passion in moray eel mode especially Honeycomb eel aka tessalata eel cause they are active swimmer (a part of time hide) not like most of eel charactor like to hide in the cave. Just received special order 4 nos of Honeycomb eels from Sri lanka arrived on last 2 weeks. My current tank only able to hold for 2 more years. Furture need bigger tank to keep all these big guys. Here some video sharing as below: My New Honeycomb Eel with Tankmate Part 1 My New Honeycomb Eel with Tankmate Part 2
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