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Everything posted by idle69

  1. I'm juz worried abt de bendy thingy cord holding the clamp to the LED..I'm pretty sure it gets rusted easily..unless u coat it with vaseline often?
  2. Skimmer first, followed by ur reactors and lasty return pump?
  3. i buy de lighting alone more dan 1k liao....sigh...
  4. http://s720.photobucket.com/user/oklahloso/media/fishy/9F919E7E-4786-488C-825D-3C8A4E26C176-85551-00000444E9D2E5F0.jpg.html'> Everything put into place. Juz add water... http://s720.photobucket.com/user/oklahloso/media/fishy/8536E4D2-AEB4-4746-A7E5-4DEB3317EA9B-85551-0000044540C5F688.jpg.html'> Wanted to make the sand bed deeper..which means I have to buy another bag of sand. Worried I'm gonna have leftover. Anybody with spare bag of unused sand? http://s720.photobucket.com/user/oklahloso/media/fishy/BE4628C0-9134-4E15-B9BF-A3B6502B8722-85551-00000445978D58A3.jpg.html'> Filling up a 150 liter sump is hard work!!! Can't complain....nobody forced me to return back to keeping fishes... http://s720.photobucket.com/user/oklahloso/media/fishy/24C45A17-B411-4B7B-8C70-4BF794408E58-85551-00000445FA86438A.jpg.html'> Waiting for water to clear up. Added Sera's Reefclear to start cycling, carbons to clear the cloudyness... Been itching for a larger tank...juz haven decided where 2 place it...
  5. My filter sock from bubble magus which i tink is 100 micron..well so long as it does the job well.. Finally my nac 7 is being put to work!!! Time to throw away my Primz skimmer..which is leaking n not doing the job well.. My return pump, Eheim 1264, fitted with a quick release coupling. Return pump will go thru the chiller before returning to the main tank. the coupling double as a flow control. Doubt a small 2 feet tank will require a large flow rate..
  6. Quite some time has passed since I updated... Been spending some time designing my sump, getting rid of my canister filter... A simple sump meant to hold my filter sock, skimmer, deep sand bed and return pump..possible expansion for an algre scrubber.. Cleaning of my leftover CarbiSea sand... clearing of all de junks under my tank..i also used a piece of plastic sheet that we used to wrap our olld school text book to protect my mirror deco in de living room. Fitted the styroform into the stand.
  7. I use red sea pro but my kh at abt 14!! Like never drop!! I kinda worry..
  8. If I rich enought...a swimming pool sized reef pool?
  9. I use a ehiem 1262...but wif a control valve..
  10. I tink u need some time 4 de bacteria 2 grow on de dead rock...but how much will bacteria bloom I do not know..Dan will make ur whole tank cloudy..if not slowly add 1 by 1?
  11. Of course compressor!! More powerful also! Which equal 2 faster cooling! N u dun have 2 worry abt de heat from de chiller..
  12. I used 2 have 1 boxer, 2 sexy and 2 cleaner for 2 months. All was fine but after a short holiday, all died.. Think they did a royal rumble while i was away...
  13. I thought most external temp controllers are plug n play type?
  14. Maybe wana try defu lane? Quite a number of carpenter there...i tink if u pay abit more, I'm sure they will cut de wood 4 u?
  15. Live rock use 4 cycling maybe...scaping use dead rock at least can epoxy them 2gether..
  16. Been using eheim products since long ago, they can last easily 5 years or more..best part spares are available in most lfs! But sometime i do wonder about de diff in power, does a lower watt means lower rpm of the impeller/needle wheel? Won't that equal 2 a lower flow?
  17. I been using reef energy A and B since 2 weeks ago, can c my hammer head open up abit bigger..my zoas siao siao 1, only half of them grew bigger...de rest same size..
  18. Agree wif andy! Went down 2 do my 2 feet sump, abt $60!
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