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Everything posted by Avrilovigne

  1. Yes I know that joe and the guy in cap are helpful. The other point is that most of the nice corals in the smaller show tank are either reserved or customers'. I've asked a few times and its always the case. Why is this so?
  2. How many of you have successfully kept emperor angels with corals? Or any large angel for that matter?
  3. I'll approach you when I'm next there
  4. I guess some of these people have replied
  5. People hanging out at Iwarna? They don't look like buying anything. Surely not all are family members or fellow shop owners. Makes browsing for real customers uncomfortable. Who are these people?
  6. So when it reaches consumers, it becomes a gamble.
  7. Henry at ML apparently does antibiotic bath. I agree on coral farm. Best success rate for fish for me so far. Sea life medicates some fish like tangs, angels and more expensive fish I believe. Regarding feeding, I know some LFS in east don't even use mysis to induce feeding, citing cost as concern.
  8. Do pasir ris farms like ah beng carry out anti biotic bath, dips etc for new arrivals?
  9. Have you added your clean up crew?
  10. I've tried using different types of clips when feeding seaweed but still make a mess. Any other practical methods?
  11. I mean that there were two other premium zoas shipment very recently by pinnacle and fish channel.
  12. Premium Zoas overkill with tfc and pinnacle having already brought in recently
  13. Angels love fleshly LPS like brain corals. They may have been nipping. Also, while I can't see your pic and placement clearly, your tube anemones and leather corals can sting if too close
  14. Had one before. Will tear into fleshly LPS like open brains. So not reef safe IMO
  15. About two blues. They are very gorgeous and good size. Also lots of Rock beauty and one piece of joculator
  16. Has anyone successfully kept their tank without any sock or wool filter? I'd recently tried the sock and there's still a chance of choking unless you wash it every other day.
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