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Everything posted by Kayakkite

  1. There're two 2" and one 4" blue tangs. Not sure the price cos didn't ask.
  2. Ic. Nice refugium. Can keep some live stock inside too.
  3. Why not put the lighting by the side of the refugium? At that height, I think the splash may cause corrosion to the LED PCB board.
  4. Yes. Blue tang just beside the live rocks location. Only three. Not sure if it new shipment. But saw many sailfish tangs and fox face.
  5. Under blue light. Does polyps extension only a little for this type of sps?
  6. Just got this sps. Need help to ID which types of SPS.
  7. Finally, bridging completed. Hope it will hold well.
  8. Place outlet skimming at bottom to provide better circulation. Note that piping needs to route back top of tank water level before return to sump, to prevent flooding. Nice design.
  9. Bro. I too almost experience chiller down. In fact chiller still running but chiller pump somehow got switched off without my notice. Was away for 2 days. Luckily, during that time, only LPS. If SPS, sure up lorry. Don't give up....
  10. Yes bro. The one on the left a bit short. I've changed using chopstick. The nylon rod maybe too expensive.
  11. The plastic wall plugs acting as locating pins should be able to secure the rocks. After securing, add epoxy to cover the joints.
  12. After drilling the holes on one rock, use it to mark another rock. Use plastic wall plugs as locating pins.
  13. The connection of rocks together seems a bit difficult. No choice but to use drill and insert locating pins.
  14. It might be due to feeding leftover food. I agreed that the socks diameter is important. I used a small one as space constraint. Hence now, back to wool type.
  15. Thanks bro. I think maybe setup another small tank to test out. Currently, my main tank still on going scaping. I've tested my main tank current orp only about 80 mV.
  16. I've thought of using socks too but afraid might choke and water overflow out of sump. Currently using wool and weekly discarded when changing water.
  17. The panda enclosure is good. Can watch panda at close range.
  18. Was there last week but can't find the arapaima and arowana.
  19. Bro, how long will you maintain orp at 400mV? Will high orp kills off all bacteria including good ones? I understand that high orp, all algae issues will be resolved but will that affect the refugium?
  20. Thanks bro reef fish. So, can put at shady place.
  21. The rhizo do not need much lighting?
  22. Adding epoxy to rocks. Must secure before lowering down to tank.
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