Hi Experts,
Pse help
This is what I have done, I bought some uncured LRs from LFS, decided to cure it first B4 putting it into my tank, this is what i have done
Day 1 - mixed saltwater and LRs into a 2ft tank and nothing else no sand, no filter, no air pump, no skimmer and no light
Day 2 - remove some worms from the tank
Day 3 - stinky smell, decided to add in a internal filter (formerly for my fresh water tank) remove a layer of oil as well
Day 4 - observe black patches on the LRs (hope it is not dead yet) NH3 - High, NO2 - Zero
What should I do now ? add sand, add power head, add skimmer ? throw away the rocks or what ? Mom started to complain about the smell -sigh