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  1. Does anyone know where to buy this and how much ? How long does this last ? Thanks
  2. Just did a complete water change, add a power head and cheapo skimmer, will see how the LRs goes, How long should I leave it there ? by measuring NH3 and NO2 or by smelling it ? thanks for all the help, its a good lesson learn
  3. I want the seachem amonia alert - $6 , PM u already
  4. Clean up the black spot ? how by using a toothbrush and scrap it away ?
  5. so what should I do now ? throw the rock away ?
  6. Can those cheapo skimmer help in this case ? Can the LRs still be cured ? Can skimmer remove NH3 ? Is filtering required ?
  7. I already have a tank, just wanted to add in more LRs but seeing black patches in the LRs
  8. Hi Experts, Pse help This is what I have done, I bought some uncured LRs from LFS, decided to cure it first B4 putting it into my tank, this is what i have done Day 1 - mixed saltwater and LRs into a 2ft tank and nothing else no sand, no filter, no air pump, no skimmer and no light Day 2 - remove some worms from the tank Day 3 - stinky smell, decided to add in a internal filter (formerly for my fresh water tank) remove a layer of oil as well Day 4 - observe black patches on the LRs (hope it is not dead yet) NH3 - High, NO2 - Zero What should I do now ? add sand, add power head, add skimmer ? throw away the rocks or what ? Mom started to complain about the smell -sigh
  9. Day 2 - Picture Tank - dirty NH3 - High No2 - 0 Worm, mini-crab, spider worm etc coming out, I took them out of the tank Can some guru help on the question Question 1) Should i let the worms etc die in the tank or extract them out of the tank ? Question 2) No air pump, no filter, can NH3 reduced to 0 just like that after a while ?
  10. Day 1 - Picture No Filter, no air pump nothing in the tank except saltwater
  11. Hi All, Not sure what i done is correct, Please advise, just brought some LR from lfs, 1) mixed a new tank of saltwater 2) insert all the LR into it 3) no other equipments in the tank, no air pump, no filter nothing at all in the tank (is this ok?) 4) test for N02, NO3 and NH4 if value 0 for N02 and NH4 = 0 conside the LR as cured ( not sure got to wait for how long) Correct me if it is wrong. Thanks
  12. Hi How do i calculate which type of power head should I purchase ? eg 2x1.5x1.5 or 4x2x2 etc Any calculation utility ? Thanks
  13. cheong


    I m keen to DIY LR as well, if any one start the project, I m more willing to join in
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