Now thought of it , the algaes most probably is due to me spamming 2vials of biodigest daily during cycling + no skimmer !
1 biodigest is up to 1000litre and 1vial/14days. But iNstead, I dosed 2vial/day.
all the bacs died, and rocks absorbed those nutrients released by the bacs.
However, my nitrate is still 0.5ppm. And yellow sps is still yellow. The algaes doesnt affect the corals at all. Just aesthetically not nice. Shall tolerate to live with it for few months with my planted reef lol!
Candle light
My new favourite.. fiji pink bn!
Finally have a few colony. I have too many frags.
Supposedly Pink millie. but not pink yet. The fragged part has fully recovered.
Red dragon recovering