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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hi bro, Nice setup. Care to share how long you have kept the bicolor angel? Did it harrassed your corals?
  2. Some more got SPS. Bro, if you know what you are doing then you really deserves our respect.
  3. Hi bro, Not sure whether its available in Singapore. But seems like its enjoying some decent reviews in RC. However, I recently saw in Resun SK05 Nano skimmer at Aqua Marin, claimed to use needlewheel impellor. After checking with several foreign forums - seems the review isn't too good. http://www.trulyfish.com/home.php?cat=255
  4. Nice fish... hard to come by too. Upz for the sales.
  5. Hi bro, Reduce livestocks/feeding or install refugium with macroalgae (cheatomorpha) woule help.
  6. Hi Bro, What you meant by electrical surge? Do you mean when you hand touches the water, you experience electric shock? If that's the case, try to off 1 electrical appliances at a time and see whether you still get the shock. Usually the culprit is submerged pump with earthing i.e. with 2 pin plugs. If the shock feel very strong, try to use a test pen rather than dipping your hand into water. HTH
  7. Hi bro, As general rule of the thumb 20kg of salt is able to get you about 150gal and 25kg is about 200gal. Your main tank is about 150gal, so I presume it will be about 200gal including sump. HTH
  8. Hi Sis, Since you believe in Karma, we shall leave it as it is. Hope that things will turn out well for you from now on!
  9. Hi Sis, I am not sure what you know and am not wanting to drag my case into the public thus I hope you can respect my decision on my own matters. As for my opinion on your case, I am not siding him. I just feels that you should be more careful of washing laundry in the public cuz it can be a double edged sword. Just be careful what you say and who you say it to. Leave it to the professionals to handle it at the appropriate channels. HTH
  10. Hi Sis, I have nothing against you but since you have already consulted professional, I think they would have advised you not to comment too much until the case have been resolved. Smearing someone's reputation in a public forum will not bring you anywhere and may even hinder any future legal proceedings. Just my 2 cents.
  11. Hi, You can also try Reef Depot, I know Tunze ones too. HTH
  12. Hi, Have you tried checking with Aqua Marin, they are the ones that bring ATI into Singapore. HTH
  13. Hi Bro, How have you been, long time never see you. I am keen on item 3 and 4 totaled $100. Let me know if I am selected. Thanks, Gouldian 90121169
  14. Hi Henry, Continue feeding them live or frozen food soon hanky panky will be the norm. Anyway. upz for your sale.
  15. Don't worry too much Mr Crabs, if you never do it- the truth will prevails. Thus, take heart and don't worry too much. As Chinese saying goes, "True Gold is not afraid of the furnance".
  16. Hi Thomas, Great job! looks like your brought back the AT. Just ensure that it eat well and no stress, I am sure it will start to settle down.
  17. Maybe trying to challenge the IP trace function.
  18. Hi guys, Yesterday while browsing Pasar Malam I saw a nic that I have not seen for many years, a nic that have brought back fond memories of the closely knit reefing community back then - Cookiemunster To me, I find Ivan a very sincere and genuine man who took upon himself to come up with solutions to satisfy our reefing needs during a time when imported solutions were not readily available. I remembered the very first time I met him was when I was collecting the Tubby, we had a great talk and he was generous enough to show me his tank and his way of reefing. Speaking of Tubby, it is the only equipment that survives my 3 tanks upgrade. Even today, it is still the dependable and relevant work-horse that never let me down. I could not answer why Cookiemunster bring back so many fond memories of yester-year in reefing and it finally dawn on me when I was about to visit dreamland - IMHO: 1) He is one of the first DIY guru that comes out with a solution that stood the test of time 2) He is always very down to earth and genuine in his advises 3) He is more of a fellow reefer offering solution rather than a unscrupolus trader With his thread on the Pasar Malam, I believe he may have quited this hobby. From some internal sources I also know that he will be tying the knot soon. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitutes and wishes him all the best in his future endeavours. Cheers! PS: Bros & Sis whom have wonderful memories of Ivan or his products, please share it here.
  19. Is this the skimmer that was reported "gone"?
  20. Wow... how I wish I could be there!
  21. Hi Bro, From my limited knowledge I believe the below genus prefers to sleep on LR rather than sandbed: 1) Labroides - http://www.wetwebmedia.com/labroide.htm 2) Cirrhilabrus - http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/w...abrus/index.htm 3) Bodianus - http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/w...ianus/index.htm 4) Choerodon - http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/w...rodon/index.htm 5) Paracheilinus - http://www.wetwebmedia.com/paracheilinus.htm HTH
  22. Hi Tevin, Finally, we are privileged to have a glimpse of your fine works. With so much macroalgae as your nutrients exports partnered with your double beckett - this is really a kickass tank!
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