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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hi Guys, Just heard from a non-reefing friend that this is a movie I should watch (http://www.sharkwater.com). Tried looking around in several DVD shop to no avail. Anyone seen it? Heard there is a interesting interview with the MD of Rabbit Brand Shark Fins. TIA
  2. Thanks for your kind comments, hope can clear soon.
  3. Thanks killerbee and fishtalk, will try CF.
  4. Dun like the idea of 2 sausage like thingy crawling all over my sandbed. With one, I already have many female friends going: "EEEEEWWW".
  5. Upz... All prices negotiable as I am not selling for profits but of course must be reasonable offers.
  6. I like the arches you have created with the LRs.
  7. Congrats! That day just talk about it...
  8. Hi, Would also appreciate if anyone could let me know which LFS currently brings them in. The last I know, ML and Paradiz Reef. TIA
  9. Hi arg, Its been quite a while since you updated. Have you re-stock on SPS? Gouldian
  10. Hi Guys, My current black cuke is getting to old to effectively clean and stirr my sand bed. Thus have to find some snails to help out. Am looking for Cerith or Nassarius. Anyone who have extra and willing to sell, please pm me for quick sales. TIA Gouldian
  11. Additional Item: Equipment: Digital Timer (3 Channel) Bought: Nov'07 Used: 2 months Reason for change: Changed for socket type timer with a total of 4 channels Remark: Bought from Iwarna for $50 plus Price: $35
  12. Additional Item: Equipment: Eheim Compact 1000 Bought: Jul'06 Used: Hardly use Reason for change: Spare pump Price: $20
  13. Salinity Meter, Photo taken 09/02/08. Currently reserved by Ry*****.
  14. Hi Bro, Below is the photo of the skimmer taken on 09/02/08.
  15. Equipment: Sander Maxi-Skim 300 Bought: Early 05 Used: 3 months for holding tank Reason of change: Not suitable for New Tank Condition: 8/10 comes with original box Price: $20 Remark: Runs on woodstone with air pump - not included. Can be used as Ozone reactor. http://www.aqua-sander.de/en/products/maxi-skim.html Equipment: Weipro 2011 Bought: Early 05 Used: 3 months for holding tank Reason of change: Not suitable for New Tank Condition: 8/10 comes with original box Remark: Pump not included. Price: $15 http://www.guppysaquariumproducts.com.au/p...1/prod_121.html
  16. Have some more old equipments in the following link for sale. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...p=0&#entry0
  17. Thanks! Equipment: Digilab Salinity Meter with 1 set of new spare batteries Bought: December'05 Used: 15mths Reason of change: Use back refractometer Condition: 8/10 Price: $38.00
  18. Just realized I missed some details, do note that the CR was purchase on 14/02/07 from Janet and the condition is 9.8/10 - not crack, leakage etc. This is the ideal CR for reefers not willing to spend too much and yet not wanting to compromise on performance.
  19. Hi guys, Have a Skimz CR-120 for sale at an attractive price of $200, below are the details http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail...id='75' Selling cuz have changed to another CR with smaller foot print. Unit have be cleaned and flushed with fresh water. Collection at Punggol Central. Regards, Gouldian
  20. Hi, The feeding of water into the CR needs to be on at all time. Only control the co2 through your solenoid which you have already done. HTH
  21. Saw some nice & interesting specimens yesterday: Golden Angels - Pacific Marine Yellow Belly Regal (4") - Pacific Marine Matured Male Flasher P. lineopunctatus - Ah Beng Yashia Goby - Ah Beng Bandit Angel - Iwarna (Sold) Ultra small juvenile batfish Platax pinnatus - Iwarna (Not for sale)
  22. Could it be the Urocaridella sp.? I believe ML used to bring them in frequently. http://www.poe-poe.com/urocsp1.html
  23. From my personal experience with American Marine and Milwaukee probes, you will need to immerse them into the water. Maybe, you can try to soak the probe overnight in distilled water, clean with a soft cloth and try again. (Additional hint: When soaking in distilled water, the ph should usually be around 7) If problem persist, it could mean the probe or worst - the controller, is a goner. HTH
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