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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hi Bro, Your Nitrate is on the high side, not sure this is the reason to your clam's demise. Maybe, you would also like to test your pH and kH just to be sure. How about your lightings? What kind of lights you use? Hammer, Jewel and Zoanthid will usually be quite hardy once they are acclimated to your tank routine.
  2. Bob, Sad to see you quit. We have met several times but have never had a chance to sit down to have a good chat. Wish you and your family all the BEST! Upz...
  3. I just saw your other post on your hammer coral. Seems like you are experiencing some problem with your water parameters. May I know: 1) How long have you set up your tank? 2) What are your water params? 3) What are your set up like? (Equipments, size of tank, filtration, lighting)
  4. It should be gone by now..... Clams are sensitive to fluctuation of water params, I guess it may not acclimate well to your water params thus...
  5. Hi guys, Always like peppermint hog but never had success cuz my cleaner wrasse always attack when a Bodianus sp. is introduced. Last weekend while cleaning the tank, the cleaner wrasse got spook by my hand and jump into the overflow box. Wanted very much to add a bodianus sp. to established itself before re-introducing the CW. Anyone selling or know or any LFS selling please let me know. TIA.
  6. Hi bro, I have used RA680 before and I remembered it took 2 hours when initially set up cuz it need to bring my tank temperature down several degrees. However, subsequently it ran about 45mins to 1hr everytime it kick in. Is this considered 'long' for you? I find that I get the best out of this chiller when using a pump that is 2000 - 3000 l/hr I was taught an easy way to determine whether you chiller is working is to feel the air exiting the chiller, if it is not warm (37 - 42 degree C) then its time for you to call for service. HTH
  7. I remember when I was younger we used to say we are "Happy and Gay", now who dares says that if they are straight???!!! No discrimination here , just that the meaning of the word 'Gay' have changed within this generation.
  8. Hi bro, - Your shrimp can be left to rot in your tank, this will produce ammonia to kick start the ANN cycle. - You do not have to add anything beside sponge to trap detritus while your skimmer wil handle the dissolved organics. - Depending on which school of thoughts, start skimming from the begining or 2 weeks after cycling works equally well. But if have uncured live rocks it is better to skim from the start. - You don't have to on the lights for ANN to work. As for the coralines, don't think it will start growing in a tank that have yet completed cycling. They will grow best in a stable environment that have completed cycling thus if I were you - I will on the lights after the cycle. By the way, I am not gay. HTH
  9. Hi Jonny, You will be surprise that are more funny things reefers will do in front of their tank! Check out the below links and you will know: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2007-12/tt/index.php http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-10/tt/index.php http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-08/tt/index.php http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-05/tt/index.php http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-12/tt/index.php Have fun....
  10. Hi bro, You are right, too high SG will cause the polyp to receed. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Hi Bro, I suspect it could be a brown jelly infection, you may check out the below links for more info. http://www.athiel.com/lib/bacterial.html http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-06/eb/index.php HTH
  12. Hi Ming69, Cannot see very clearly but my guess is it could be Star Polyp (Pachyclavularia sp. or Clavularia viridis) or if it has skeleton, a Hynophora sp. http://www.reefcorner.com/SpecimenSheets/greenstars.htm http://www.thereeftank.com/totm/feb04/225.jpg HTH
  13. Hi bro, Welcome to the hobby! Like all beginners you made the mistake of setting up and stocking up before researching on what is needed. But you made the right decision by joining a forum and asking questions. Below are my brief opinions: 1) Anemones are animals, they chose which surface their foot holds on to. Different species of anemones prefer different surfaces (Some prefers sand while other prefers LR). By the way, anemones are not really reccomended for beginner due to their demand for quality water and high output light source. 2) For a 2 feet tank, you can check out some of the reefers nano tank to get an idea of the type and quantity of fishes you can keep. 3) Snails and hermits comes in various depending on what species you have acquired. If you have selected the large species than it will be deterimental to you set up. I suggest you research around, ask as many questions as you need before deciding what to do next. As for the anemone, I suggest you pass it on to someone who have the ability to look after for you while you spruce up your system. HTH
  14. Saw the fishes, very healthy. Ups for your sales.
  15. Yup... You have always been the fortunate one.
  16. Hi bros, Actually can get those stiff 6mm pneumatic tube (those use in CR), 10m of it will cost less than $20 (depending on where you bought from), these are small, light and easy to store. Hook it up with a Aqualifter ($18) and you're in business. HTH
  17. Opps blind me!!! Must have forgotten to have my coffee this morning.
  18. Hi bro, Maybe you would like to get a chiller technician to take a look at your chiller so that you can save all the travelling and guessing. You can try Derrick 90255562. HTH
  19. Your that 'heartland' one, I have to go thru every morning... my parents stayed near your side. This is the Arch that many are unhappy about!
  20. Hi bro, Don't think its an overkill cuz the wattage is quite low. The good think about using KDK is the reliability of the fan motor. I have used Nidec computer fan in my old set-up find it quite alright but need to connect to Adaptor. HTH
  21. Equipment: Sander Maxi-Skim 300 Bought: Early 05 Used: 3 months for holding tank Reason of change: Not suitable for New Tank Condition: 8/10 comes with original box Price: $15 (Price adjusted) Remark: Runs on woodstone with air pump - not included. Can be used as Ozone reactor. http://www.aqua-sander.de/en/products/maxi-skim.html Equipment: Weipro 2011 Bought: Early 05 Used: 3 months for holding tank Reason of change: Not suitable for New Tank Condition: 8/10 comes with original box Remark: Pump not included. Price: $10 (Price adjusted) http://www.guppysaquariumproducts.com.au/p...1/prod_121.html Equipment: Eheim Compact 1000 Bought: Jul'06 Used: Hardly use Reason for change: Spare pump Price: $18 (Price adjusted) Upz
  22. Hi bro, I may be due to oil and dust accumulated on the reaction chamber during storage. If this is the case, the skimmer will function after it have break-in. HTH
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