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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hi Nano reefers, I am sure you guys heard about the Griessingeri goby, it was available a few years back through Henry but it is now almost impossible to get. I hope to increase the awareness of this beautiful goby so that our LFS may renew their interests in bringing them in. Here's an old thread dedicated to this goby. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=28025 Enjoy....
  2. I beginning to sway towards your justifications, I did not considered mata because most of my literature only have adult pic of mata. But it seems that recently there are a couple of mata imports... thus the probabilty of mata could be very high as well. Also, some literature claimed that there are 2 variants of mata and this one seems to fit the descriptions.
  3. Quite true... the other possibilty is Acanthurus nubilus but I couldn't find a decent pic of the juvenile from the net.
  4. I would like to have 1, can collect tomorrow evening during our meet.
  5. Congrats, personally I feel that this fish is good at finishing up film algae that is being ignored by the popular powder series tangs. I also believe this fish is not as aggressive as Ctenochaetus which are good at grazing film algae but generally will become a big bully after some time in the tank. Happy reefing,
  6. My tank is 4x2.5x2.5, I am using it too... so I guess its just that they thought larger tanks will have more professional equipments/controllers that do a better job liao. lol
  7. Hi guys, Just wanted to share with you this wonderful Widget by Current USA that will remind you of your reefing routine. http://www.current-usa.com/nanoplanner.html HTH
  8. I believe is a blueline tang (Acanthurus nigroris) size: 25cm, feeds on algae film on rocks and filamentous algae. http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=4738 HTH
  9. Hi Joe, Sorry to reply late. For this species the female looks different from the male. I took the cue from Here and Here. HTH ;-)
  10. Saw a pair (Male / Female) at AM Katong the other day... still thinking whether I should get.....
  11. You are just being kind. Your recent addition (red brain) looks wonderful too. Hope to meet again with you soon....
  12. I have one like this and its my favorite too.
  13. Nice work... were you there with Raydiative?
  14. Aging water will rid water of chlorine, using a good anti-chlorine beside removing chlorine will also remove chloramine. Unlike chlorine, chloramine is a more stable form of chlorine and will not dissipate with aging. Seachem Prime besides removing chlorine and chloramine will also removes ammonia. http://www.seachem.com/Products/product_pages/Prime.html But all these does not removes phosphate which is critical to your situation now. You may want to try bottle distilled water, try to search for distilled water in this forum and you will get sufficient info to let you decide what's your next move. HTH
  15. Hmmmm, i think its a juvenile black and white snapper (Macolor macularis).
  16. Dear bro, According to Dr. Robert J. Goldstein in <Marine Reef Aquarium Handbook> "For most higher plants and algae, nitrogen is the limiting nutrient: when it is used up, the plants stop growing. Blue-greens (Cyanobacteria) are not nitrogen-limited because they typically fix atmospheric nitrogen gas (or in aquariums, dissolved nitrogen gas) into all nitrate they need. They are however, limited by the availability of phosphorus..... Only phosphate starvation is safe in a reef tank." With your reading of low phosphate, I believe your problem lies with orthophosphate which is not reflected in common test kits. Slicates have been link to diatoms bloom rather than cyanobacteria, also silica alone will not cause a bloom unless there are abundance of nitrates as well. Beside siphoning and frequent partial water changes, you may want to try the below: 1) Use distilled, de-ionized or RO water for water top up and salt-mixing 2) Feed sparingly and ensure the food you feed does not contain too high phosphate 3) Use Phosphate removers such as Rowa-phos etc HTH
  17. Welcome! Looking forward to your tank pics...
  18. Great, I still can remember those days when I tried to get seahorses to be interested in dead food.
  19. Wow that good news, I learn something new today! Thanks Lorenzo... maybe we should meet up one day for coffee.
  20. Oic... Thanks for the thoughtfulness in supporting captive bred threatened livestocks.
  21. Do let us know your progress, I would love to see a record of potbelly seahorse in tropical temperature.
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