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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. You can try Blue Ridge Coral (Heliopora coerulea), they thrives in 29 degree Celcius. Its family were the dominant corals before the Ice Age.Their demise and extinction of all its relatives came after the massive cooling of the seas during the last Ice Age. The only survival is H. Coerulea which are found in a narrow band of tropical water along the equator. Scientists believes that with Global Warming, we may see the revival of its relatives. Source: - http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/cnidaria/others/heliopora/heliopora.htm http://animal-world.com/Aquarium-Coral-Reefs/Blue-Coral
  2. The reason why the government is concentrating of food fishes rather than ornamental is of national interests - to have an alternative source of seafood in case we quarrels will our neighbors or drop of supplies from our neighbors. However, the truth is that most of the farms here are not able to sell them in locally due to the fact that Singapore is a free market and big boys super marts rather buy direct from oversea due to price. From my limited knowledge most of the fishes are our farms are sold to Hong Kong. icefire is right on this... There were several efforts to sell their fishes directly to consumers by the Singapore farmers but the demands is low as consumers awareness is low. Some farms tried to create awareness by organizing farms visits but this is against AVA guidelines - Only authorized personnel are allowed on the farms, no casual visitors. Anyway, I am all for the national interests thingy by AVA but I strongly feels that the bureaucrats will for once think about the farmers survivalabilty issues as well. Like for example encourage some ministries such as Mindef or Home to buy certain percentage from these local farmers. With this, the farmers will be able to have some regular income to sustain their living and when there's a crisis, they will be more willing to sell their fishes to the government. Just my thoughts.....
  3. Welcome to SRC and Singapore.
  4. Up. 1 Holder itself already cost $25! $60 for 3 holders and track is very good price.
  5. Hi Honkit, Don't have time to do anything to tank as I was busy and also I was nursing some corals for a friends. Now that its over, I am recently revived. ;-) Let's meet soon over a cuppa on weekends or Friday nights - Jln Kayu.
  6. If you suspect the pump, just ditch it and get a reliable pump. I made the mistake many years back by selecting pump base on price. Now I only get pumps that have been proven to last. For equipment that runs 24/7 such as pumps and wave-makers etc, I personally find that it is prudent to get reliable ones.
  7. Try this link - http://www.reefcentral.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=12751763
  8. Technically if the T5 spectrum shift toward the lower color temperature, you may get algae growth. But personally, I feel that there are more than 1 reasons towards algae bloom and we need to tackle them holistically.
  9. Could it be a overload? 13/3/12 is also unlucky for me, my car got hit... sigh....
  10. Bravo, finally had a chance to see your thread. Been super busy. Sorry wasn't able to meet on Monday as the talk dragged too long and I need to rush off.
  11. Upz for you sale. Hope all is well your side, I lost your contact...
  12. Given wrong contact number to Eddy Lim. My sincere apologies. Reserved for Eddy Lim.
  13. Up for sales again. Eddy Lim's friend did not contact me.
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