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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. The are several practices but here's what I do. Place newly bought in a container with the water from the shipping bag Use a air-line tube with a valve to control flow to siphon water from the main tank The flow will be controlled by the valve, I usually ensure that the slow is weak but not to the extend that it will break siphon Wait for the water level to doubled from the existing shipping water Pour away entire content and repeat step 2 and 3 This usually takes about 20mins I will then slowly lower container into tank and let the new shrimp exit from the container at its own pace Once it exit, I will remove container They are some reefers that skip a couple of steps from the above and had success too but I feel the above is more prudent way. Observe and if
  2. Assuming that your tank parameters is within range, did you provide drip acclimation for the newly bought? It is important to do that if not, you will loose them within a couple of days upon introduction.
  3. Hi bro, Personally, I can't advise much as I am still tackling this problem on a piece of my favourite LR which was left in a blue tub for 2 years without lights but with skimmer and weekly top up of distilled water. After the LR was introduce into my main tank, hair algae start growing and spread towards the glass and neighbouring LRs. I only manages to control it by brushing away the hair algae weekly during my regular water changes. I belive this regime will slowly eliminate the problem. However, if it were to happen to a piece of LR I like, I will just throw it away.
  4. I super stressed clownfish will remain at the top even when you walk near and you can easily net it out. So look out for this. That is one good thing about clownfish unlike angels, wrasses and especially tangs - they will swim away even when they are emaciated and prevent them from being rescued. I have had 1 juv perc that was rescued several times when it got bullied by my large matured black ocellaris pair. After several attempts, it is now doing well in a part of the tank where the ocellaris pair do not see as threat to their territory. Hope that helps.
  5. Big mistake - Never wash your LRs in tap water! Although they have been neglected for very long, the micro-organisms in the LR will suffer with the chlorine and chloramine leeching into the LR during your washing. This will have bad repercussion towards your re-start efforts. I have had LRs that will neglected too and when I used them for my tank, they tends to have nuisance algae which I surmise could be due to the LR is leeching nutrients from the nutrients absorbed during the long period of neglect. And the worst is when these nutrients (organic base) are being leeched, they leech in a minute amount thus difficult to be tested from normal test kit. However, they will fuel nuisance algae, dino and cyano growth. LRs can be re-seeded but will take time especially when you have washed with tap water. Be prepared for nuisance outbreak for a longer period of time compared to good quality LRs in new start-up.
  6. Looking at pic, I can't see any signs of disease or injury thus I believe it could be quite ok. Continue your feeding regime and also observe. If they start to hide at a corner, swim and stay at the top of the tank then you will need to be concern. All the best!
  7. Nice Naz, looks like you are a collector of gems....
  8. I assume you did not QT it before releasing into your tank. Was it a wild caught fish? Can you take a pic of it close up?
  9. Assuming you gotten healthy fish - wait a few days. Is the new comer swimming around or cowering at one corner?
  10. Try with some mysis or cyclopeeze. It will soon start to feed by looking at the incumbent feeding. Good luck!
  11. Cyano bacteria considered organic too, you want???? lol
  12. Agree too, if anemone is not happy the chances is that they will move and for some strange reasons, they always end up with IMPELLOR... lol
  13. As per per moscowvites, I too feel that sabae will do better on sandbed, just wanted to know where pitto kept as it will be crucial for me to decide whether I will get it.
  14. How big is your sabae, how long you kept it, where did it settle in your tank previously - on LR or on the sandbed?
  15. Winner - spkentchai @ $70 exactly @ 9.30am SRC system time. Congrats Kent, let me know when you want to collect.
  16. Both tank confirmed by ...6704 arranging for collection. Next of line qln_signature.
  17. Dear bros, I have 2 sets of Tetra Art 30L Aquarium with Cabinet to sell for $50/set. Specs: http://www.seapets.c...um-kit-30l.html Condition: 9/10, used only once and have been in storeroom since. WYSIWYG FCFS
  18. No problem bro. Current highest bid is $50 by Clement_jr
  19. Yes, Liquid Phosphate Remover contain Lanthanum Chloride. Technically it will binds phosphate but will also bind bicarbonate and carbonate if overdosed thus causes pH to drop. For me, I will always do a ph and kH test after I use LPR and will dose Ca and kH accordingly if needed. http://www.sareefkeeping.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5124
  20. Thank you all for the bid. For those who PM me because you are unable to post, I suggest you contact Admin - Harlequin Mania for assistance. Sorry I am selling on behalf of a friend thus better to be transparent. Up...
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