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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. I believe it is a Blastomussa merletti. Bro, I am keen in getting 5 polyp, let me know if it is available.
  2. Hi bro, I have looking for large prices of rocks (approx 12in). Dead or Alive, please PM me price, place if you have any. Thanks In Advance.
  3. Hi guys, I would like to sell the above as I wanted the sinking type but my wife bought the floating type. I have only used 2tsp so far. Bought from Yishun Aquastar $11.00, Selling at $5. Collection Punggol Central. Review - http://www.cichlid-forum.com/reviews...ls.php?id=1278 Please SMS nine77three0three2three.
  4. * Get a pvc pipe that reaches to the bottom of the tank * Place a funnel on the other end of the PVC pipe * Pour sand through funnel * Sand bed without clouding your tank However make sure you prep your sand properly.
  5. Yes, those clean manicured hands... lol
  6. Is your overflow using durso pipes, if yes, it can be tune to bring up the water level higher thereby reducing the water crashing noise. See link herewith -
  7. Mandai mud flats - the migratory birds will love to have them for lunch! lol
  8. True loh, try peppermint or berghia first. I don't think you have majano yet. Remove those LRs with more Aiptasia first to minimize spreading. Good luck.
  9. Welcome back into the "light", you have been in the "dark" for far too long. lol Hope next time I visit will have more time to visit you.
  10. Mai tu liao, they are a must visit especially with their recent set-ups.
  11. When they spread, they will be your worst nightmare except for your mother-in-law.... If its only on 1 LR, the best is to throw that LR away. IMHO Peppermint, Butterflies, Berhia etc only act as biological control and may not be able to totally eradicate. I have tried biological control only to have them growing on hard to reach areas, I eventually tear down and bleach my entire tank and pipeworks - it is drastic but it works for me. HTH
  12. Nice... What happened to your NPS stank?
  13. Yes... https://foursquare.com/v/siam-reef-center/4d049a0e30a58cfaedbea0e7
  14. Go to Siam Reef Club at Chatuchak Market....
  15. The bluish grey ones will pack a punch, I will throw them away. The smaller pink ones are ok and are great detritus feeders, they will keep your sand bed churned and clean. HTH
  16. The hands looks familiar.... lol Upz.
  17. As mentioned by Terryz, photosynthetic one comes with brown hues whereas the non-photosynthetic ones comes in contrasting / vibrant colors. 1st photos taken without MH thus blueish.
  18. Hi guys, Just wanted to share about this Photosynthetic Gorgonia that suffer some tissue damaged when it was given to me, pic taken in March 2012: Here's an recent pic of it taken on June 2012: During this period, I did nothing except keep the parameters stable and manually remove any hair algae that got caught on the branches when I do my tank maintenance.
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