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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. You mean you top up fresh water right. I was referring to the mixing of salts with your fresh water. It is adviseable to aerate fresh water over night before mixing with your salts. The resons for this is due to the low oxygen content of most fresh water and the result you get if you aerate overnight is you get not percipitations and also most trace minerals will dissolve better.
  2. Phosphate Remover treat the symtoms not the cause. Nuisance algae appears when there are excessively nuitrients due to overfeeding, poor water quality & poor nuitrient exports. Thus, if you improve on the above 3 items you will generally be able to keep it under control.
  3. Upz. Could you maybe indicate how much you willing to part the chiller for? I am scouting around for my new 3ft.
  4. I agree with Woonming! To increase PH, you can use any Marine Buffers or even Baking Soda. To increase KH, you will need Reefez Akaline Plus, AquazHydro Alkalinity Premium or any other brand of Akaline booster.
  5. In order to test whether your Test kit is giving false info, why not test freshly mixed water before you add into the tank. And if it is high freshly mixed - you have found the 'culprit'. By the way, do you aerate your tap water overnight before mixing with your salt mix?
  6. It can also due to your nutrient export, is your skimmer giving your dark dry skimmer?
  7. Thanks bro, I always wanted to ask those questions but put it off cuz no DC.
  8. Saw that too. Really frightening. But that is a Pistol shrimp. Mantis kill is a different manner, it slices it victim with its very sharp blade.
  9. I guess your plan is alright. Just ensure that you do not trigger another cycling! It happens to me before when I rearranged my rock works too much. But luckily, I managed to escape with just diatoms bloom.
  10. Adding baking soda will not increase KH or Ca. It maintains KH. Suggest that you try Alakline Plus, the product from one of our sponsors. Happy reefing.....
  11. No choice lah. Me not actively selling. I work around Bt Merah, that is another window for us to meet. PM me if you want. I dun want wait kena warning by MODS. Cheers,
  12. Alfaromeo is right. Never encounter 700 of Calcium. Try using another test kit. As for the coral chips - it is definite no no.
  13. Coral chip might be the problem. Anyway, I would advise you against using corals chips as buffers in your tank. Cuz after sometime Coral Chip will trap deritus and contribute to your NO3 problems. Also the Calcium from the Corals Chip cannot be adsorb by Corals as such no use. Once you remove the Corals chips, I believe your Calcium will drop to a manageable level with some partial water change. Coralines algae will prevent nuisance alage from grow on it. Also, Coralines are generally a good indication of your water parameters.
  14. Very nice.... Your NO3 problem is likely due the Bio-Balls. Most reef gurus such as J. Sprung, E. Borneman & A. Calfo have advises againts the use of bio balls. Most reefers are advise to remove all bio balls from their sump and just have DSB (Deep Sand Bed).
  15. Are you using Canister Filters or Bio-Balls?
  16. Actually I only use once and have the full bottle with me. If you are interested to buy? Can PM me... Self collect at Punngol
  17. Yup. Infact Bubbles corals are one of the most active feeders, you can periodically see its sweeping tentacles sweeping around hunting for its dinner. But it is still adviseable to add some form of Phyto to its diet. You will want your corals colour up don't you?
  18. Dear reefers, I would like to apologize for the errors on my part. Tropic Marine's Triple Buffers according to the package: 1. Maintain and stabalize PH 2. Maintain and stabalize KH 3. Replace trace minerials It does not: 1. It does not directly increase Calcium 2. It does not directly increase Magnesium Very sorry for the mistakes.
  19. They feed on PhytoPlankton. There are a few in the market nowadays such as: 1. Bio-Plankton 2. DT live Phytoplankton 3. Aquatim 4. Aquaz Gold 5. etc Although LPS might not show signs of stress when not fed with Phyto, they will soon starve. Thus it is prudent to feed with Phyto. As for the methods of feeding phytos? Read manufacturers advises.
  20. Sorry should be $38 not $18. typo error......
  21. Yup infact most live rocks are skeletons of hard corals thus the classification. I know of some LFS previously importing them together with algaes and thus managed to escape scrutiny. But not sure whether they are doing that now.
  22. Correct. But there are buffers that promises to raise other minerals such as Calcium & Magnesium. For my case, my tank will tilt toward acidic weekly thus I will add Baking soda to stabalize and maintain Alkalinity. Twice monthly I will add triple buffers to stabalize and maintain all three minerials.
  23. Usually dying clams will expel zoos.
  24. This is the brand I use http://www.armandhammer.com/basics/magic/
  25. Different reefers have different views. I respect yours.
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