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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Cyno is a bacteria and Red Slime Remover is a form of Anti-Bacteria. So although it claims that it is reef safe, it does not gaurantee that the beneficial bacteria in your tank is spared. A few of us have experience different levels of side effects after nuking our reef with Red Slime Remover. I personally will never do it again unless absolutely necessary. Besides with good water movement and effective skimming, cynos can be eliminated.
  2. It is better to get to the cause of the problem rather than looking at sypmtoms. Could it be the following reason? 1. Not enough light? 2. Not enough nutrients such a supplementation of Phyto? 3. Drastic change in Water Parameters? 4. Not enough calcium? 5. Predatory live stocks such as worms, nudibraches or fishes? 6. Harassment by live stocks?
  3. Nautilus are very premitive sea creatures that live in the deep. Not much is known about their basic husbandry as such, it is best be left in the nature. Just my 2 cents......
  4. You may try to contact Cookiemunster of Coral Labs, one of our sponsor.
  5. Lets not forget the good ole "Sea Apple"!!!!! Lots of beginners got them without knowing their powers!!!!
  6. I would think that it is normal for them not to close tight shut after lights off. I have 3 crocea and 1 maxima, none of them fully close. I have have them for 6months liao. All of them have grown minimum of 2 sets of scutes.
  7. Here comes the genius of Sea Horse nursery diy. Wish you all the best in reclaiming your lost love. ;-P
  8. Wow. After testing it out for the review, you already converted to a firm believer. I am now looking ofrward to the release. Any info for Glare?
  9. UPZ. Very nicely done up, saw it last time when I was at his place. Good buy.
  10. The last time I have in growing on my Display tank and could not remove them. In the end I have to remove the LRs they were growing on to be dump in total darkness for 1 month in order to eradicate them!
  11. SeaScope Magazine Reprint, it states that, "One of the theories why calcium hydroxide might produce better results than calcium chloride has been that the high pH and high calcium in a saturated calcium hydroxide solution cause precipitation of phosphate from the freshwater, eliminating this algae fertilizer from the solution." Take a look at the results of the test they did using calcium hydroxide to see what the rate of reduction of phosphates were. It is interesting that, when allowing the mix to sit, after two days there was only a 50% drop in phosphates, but after five days there was a 90% drop. The conclusion is that the drop in phosphates, when using calcium hydroxide, is slow and if the mix is used right away, any phosphates remaining in the mix will be pumped into your tank. Source: http://saltaquarium.about.com/cs/phosphate.../a/aa060398.htm
  12. Bro, you think like fresh water planted tank - just increase CO2 and the plant will thrive ah.....
  13. Actually a container with salt water will do. Mine is a commercial made one. I can't remember what brand, name or price. But mine is just a Black colored tray with a opening at the centre with a smal strainer cup. So when the eggs hatches, the BBS will swim towards light and in this case towards the centre of the tray. So what I do is just lift up the cup and I have a cup full of BBS minus water & deritus.
  14. Dust the eggs from the bottle into the BBS hatchery and harvest 12 to 14hrs later loh?
  15. I bought my seven months ago from Watercircle (when they are still doing retail). I kept it in the fridge and take it out to every other day and it still hatch me tons of BBS.
  16. By the way, if you belive in Kalk dosing, it has been reported to reduce PO4.
  17. There are 2 kinds of phophates remover. The cheaper kind will usually leech phosphates back into your system after sometimes thus you must remember to remove once you notice phosphates level climbing again. The other kind like Rowa, will not leech back into your tank thus more $$$. Besides this there is also issues such as how mush Phosphates each and individual brands claims to adsorb and the speed of adsorbtion. So, I guess it is just like everything else in the world - 'one man meat, mis another's poison'.
  18. I hatch brine shrimp daily. I did not use any special light. From what I know, if the eggs are poor quality - it will not hatch. If the eggs are fresh and are well kept, it will hatch within 12 hrs depending on temperature.
  19. Great job bro, clean, compact and affordable. ;-)
  20. Increase your water flow loh. This will reduce 'dead spot' and thus eliminate your problem.
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