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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Too bad, I sold my 2213 liao. Anyway, good luck for your sale.
  2. Last night go back AT scratching itself on rocks liao. Super heartache! No eating liao, can see that it is getting thinner by the day. After lights off, saw cleaner rushing to AT's help. Keeping fingers crossed.
  3. Sis, With all due respect this is the Sell Off / Pasar Malam Shop forum, it is for reefers that wanted to sell or buy things. Please read Rule 5 of the forum.
  4. 1. Mixed with dechlorinated water 2. Nightly after lights off drip into tank 3. About 1.5l with 1 teaspoon of Kalk, drip only the clear liquid, discard the remains
  5. Actually from what I know the most budget one is the Via Aqua Multi-Skimmer / Filter. You can check out the price from Reborn or Yishun.
  6. Hi Sis, E55 is rated for 55gal which is about the volume of 2ft to 3ft max. It will be underated for your 4ft but its your call.
  7. If you are thinking of 2 Clowns some LR, 2-3pcs of Mushroom and 2-3pcs of Feather Duster in a 2' x 1' x 1', it should be able to manage. The key word is "minimum bioload" OHF are not reccomend for tank that have heavy bioload.
  8. Well, periodically, you can see the fishes surfing the current. So I think it should be good.
  9. Latest Update: Tank - Reserved - Collection Fri E55 - STill Available - Any Offer? Quick Release - Sold 2213 - Reserved - Collection this evening Maroon Clown pair - Sold
  10. True loh. That why, I always wanted to know how much will those on/off shorten the life of the PH VS the investment on a set of Tunze. So bro, have you done any research on this? Can advice?
  11. If your existing LS are big then you have no choice but to get one at least about the same size. I am not sure about that article, what I have gather are from the books that I have and surprising Robert Fenner is one of them. Why dun you have some arrangement with a particular LFS you can trust and get them to oredr for you. I have seen 3" to 5" Threadfin in Sealife before, you may check with them.
  12. Yup. If you experience it then you have to trace the appliance that is giving you the problem. It is usually from submersible items such as PH, return pumps or Skimmer.
  13. ha ha ha. Anyway, I purposely chose I 620 and another 820 so that it will create a unbalance and more natural wave effect. Will invest of a misaki wave maker later to have both seio running at different interval.
  14. Seio 620. Still no $$$ to get black oyama for the backing.
  15. Most of the threadfins that are brought in are about 1.5" to 2", this will ensure easy acclimatisation. Once they are 4" to 5", you will have hard time acclimatising them thus they will die on you. And even if they survive you will need to get it to accept prepared food. 1.5" to 2" Threadfins are going for about $20 if I remember correctly.
  16. Will do bro, I guess I have forgotten the very essence of Marine Aquarium - PATIENCE. Thank you all,
  17. Hi Sis, PM you liao. Hope this time I get a chance to buy from you. Thanks,
  18. No sure. But read that they likes to hitch on Sea-Fans.
  19. Initially when I am new to the hobby. Yuck!!! Anyway, the trick is to fill the entire hose with water and reduce the air pockets. With this the pump will be able to start. Another way is to get quick release double taps (Eheim has it), so that when you disconnect for servicing, the water in the hose will not flow out and thus after you have clean up the canister all you need is plug and play.
  20. Threadfins are one of the most easily adaptable butterflies. Even in nature, it has been observe to eat any invertebrates it can get its mouth on. But beware, they will also destroy you corals in one sitting. So if you are a FOWLR tank, you will like them. But if you are intending to have Reef tank, then you have to forget them.
  21. Actually you can go to eheim website, they have a program to help you chose the perfect canister. I previously use 2213, the most basic and reliable model for my 2ft. It is not necessary the most expensive model is the best, just the most suitable one will do.
  22. Sad to hear about your lost. Will try to take more.
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