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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Kannasai! Another nightmare?????? Please lah, God dun play with me leh, I am just a poor reefer trying to provide a good and reliable habitat for this beautiful fish. But seriously, I have been distracted from work and sleep the past three days. When I sleep, I kept dreaming of my AT, when I work, I kept wanting to go home to check out my AT. Am I haunted by it???????
  2. I think it should be $12 - can't remember liao cuz that day bought Tunicates plus two Feather Dusters.
  3. Dunno whether it is immunity of the rest of the fishes cuz my Purple Tang also new comer. Dun dare to take photo yet. Pang Tang........ Will post after AT has overcome this current obstacle.
  4. Aiyah, you famous for good bargain wan. That's why your sales always alot of people interested.
  5. I will be glad to go with you. Anyway, I have recently stopped due to a project but will be resuming my Saturday morning shopping soon.
  6. Tunicate = The living stomach Got one from ML the other day. Have to pay for it. Not like you so good comes with shroom.
  7. Feeding. But Ich appeared on Sunday after I disturb the DSB in my sump. The best part is the rest of the fishes are alright except AT - this is something that I can never understand why only AT has ich? I have Purple Tang, I have Hippo Tang but only AT have ich! NOT FAIR! Now very worried. Continue to feed garlic soaked mysis with cyclopese and Selcon. Now praying.........
  8. Very Nice must share with us where you got those stuffs leh. Maybe next time you go shopping I can tag along.
  9. Sorry to hear about your plight. Hope that the rest of your livestocks will survive. Thanks for sharing your experience so that all may learn from it.
  10. Tang Police without Tang? Or this is just one of your many tanks?????
  11. Bro, which part of Bangkok you visit for Marine fish? Heard Chatuchat Weekend Market is good. Me going there this Nov. Can reccomend?
  12. Ppl selling things here leh. Anyway, it is use to redirect stray current to earth. Upz for your sales Sis.
  13. Where you get your spirulina tablets? What brands and $$$$?
  14. Welcome back. Thought I have lost you. You might not know me but I use to read your post when I was new in this forum. Looking forward to your new set-up.
  15. Wa bro, you dun picah lobang leh. The next shipment you see tons of ppl asking Henry to baby sit for them how. Wait I kena ban from ML how? But I must say that I am very indebted to him for allowing me to leave it there for a couple of days after discovering that my AT was not doing well when I was collecting the fish. Sorry to hear about your AT. I was at another brother place the other day and guess what he is feeding his AT (The batch earlier than mine), PELLETS! - How unfair, here we are trying our very best to feed our AT with the best available food and that bro just feed pellets. But I must say that his AT only feed on pellets - nothing else. Life is just so unfair.
  16. Collecting AT tonight. Stay tune and wish me all the best.
  17. I like those deep purple ones. Have lots of them now growing. I prefer them to the common purple ones. Which types you like Bro Ekia?
  18. Yah loh, read somewhere that coralines comes in different shades, from deep purple (almost black) to pink. As long as they are hard and encrusting, I would not loose a sweat of it.
  19. Bro AquabeAnz, Have you try hatching Baby Brine Shrimps and soaking them in Selcon. Most finicky horses will eat them and with the help on Selcon, you will have most of their nutritional needs met. Plus it will be much cheaper and easilier to maintain. No need to run to a LFS every other day to by shrimp. Selcon and be purchase from EAquarist Place.
  20. Hello, bro, Good to see you again! Coming back? Its true that Hyposalinity will eradicate parasites from SH. But just feel that comes is very prone as compared to Kudas, barbouri or even Brazilian. Dun you think so? Update us on your lastest happening leh.....
  21. Yup Floating glass is the next best after refractometer plus it is even cheaper than swing arms type. For me I just add baking soda as KH buffer to safe cost. 1 teaspoon to about 2l of dechorinated fresh water. Wish you good luck bro.
  22. Comes are notorious for dying for not rhyme and reasons. But seems that most of the LFS now a days only import Comes. You can try to soak your mysis in SeaChem Entice or Selcon with Garlic to get them to feed. If you are feeding Selcon, ensure that you do not feed one day per week to let your horses fully digest the HUFA (Fatty Acid).
  23. Yup, I believe they are halimeda too. They are a good indicators of KH & Ca, if both are sufficient you can see they multiplying. But same as Coralines, some people dun like them claiming that they adsorb too much Ca. I am looking for them actually if you dun want can frag it for me?
  24. So bro, can tell the difference in quality between US pricing vs Sing pricing?
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