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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hi Weileong, After checking with several resources and speaking with a couple of people regarding my condition. I have decided on the below course of actions: I will be introducing it direct into my fallow main tank. Since it is fishless, I presume it can function as an QT too. Thus, I will only add my other fishes into diplay after waiting and observing that AT is establishing itself. I will not be doing hypo to the AT for fear of stressing it further but will be acclimatise it accordingly and doing a fesh water dip just before introducing into the display tank. What is your opinion on this? Do you think it will work?
  2. Yah loh, wouldn't even dare to place any other fish except AT. Afterwhich, I will wait another week before I start transferring the rest of the old fishes currently in my QT tank.
  3. Thanks bro. Always good to be on the safe side. Anyway, I am now 7 weeks + 3 days liao. Will be dropping by Henry tomorrow to check out AT.
  4. Sorry for the wrong info. Will get back with actually temp. Thanks to all bros who pointed out to me.
  5. Hi reefers, Selling the above for $40 for freiend who recently upgraded to T5s. Regards,
  6. Hi bros & sis, Looking for the above to replace my current Atman. Please post here stating price, condition & how long you have bought it. Thanks,
  7. I think, I will pass this time, Sorry. Upz.
  8. Ya loh, Paracanthurus Hippatus or the common blue tang can grow up to 31cm! As compared to the Zebrasomas with a average size of 20+cm. Actually, I have been seeing alots of people keeping tangs even the Nasos in 2ft! I think the "Tang Police" will have to do something about it! How???? Dispar?????
  9. Hi Alfa, I have read in the following link Marine Ich That "If an aquarium has no fish in it, and there are no additions of fish, or anything else that could be carrying trophonts, tomonts, tomites or theronts for a period of 6 weeks or longer, all parasites will have died. An aquarium such as this is an obvious exception to "Ich" always being present." But than again.... it is always better to play it safe. Thanks for your input.
  10. Another method reccomeneded by Reef Keeping magazine (Oct'04), is to run a air filter or any small filter for your QT. And when you don't need to QT, just transfer the filter to your sump - this way you can still keep into bacteria going and at the same time dismantled your QT to be stored away from sight. According to the author, storing away the QT when it is no needed will prevent us from turning the QT into a second tank!
  11. Hi, I think it's too late now, most of my fishes gone liao. Using the Aquapharm cure-ich didn't help. Hi Bro Weileong/Gouldian, I'm now going into fishless main tank only left inverts and corals, I will wait for 6 weeks b4 I added new fish, rite?
  12. Interested in Staghorn, what is the size?
  13. Welcome to SRC. Aiyah. Just drop by here with a pinic box and bring some back to Penang lah. That's what my friend in KL do. You can check out E Aquanature (our sponsor) I belive thay still have some left.
  14. Usually Fresh Water Dip is conducted just before the fish is added to QT and again before adding into Diplay. FWD consist of de-chorinated tap water with PH adjusted to about 8.2 either by off-the-shelf solution or for my case by using baking soda (1/2 teaspoon per 1 Gal). For the latter method, ensure that you have a reliable PH meter.
  15. You dun sounds like an old man lah. But someone who share the correct ways to do things but still sees people doing otherwise... I have benefitted alot with your sharing and guidance and I have also tried to show others your ways and I must say sometimes I feel like "a mother" too. But rest be assured your advises are always treasured by some of us.
  16. Hi Iori Del, I am just surpass the minimum 6 weeks Fallow Treatment reccomeneded by Weileong. Going to ML this wed or thurs to get my AT.
  17. Dear iori del, I wouldn't reccommend you lowering your SG if you have inverts in your tank - it will stress or even kill your inverts which will in turn deteriorate your water. Lower of SG can only be done if you are having a fish only tank. That's why Hypo can only be done outside the main tank in a QT tank.
  18. Hi iori del, Actually, as you progresses in this hobby, you will notice that our seniors are very particular when introducing new fishes in their tank. This is due to the fact that once you painstakingly maintain an ich-less tank, the last thing you would want is to introduce a new stock that harbour the parasites and infect your tank. Thus it is only prudent for us to practice: 1. Acclimatisation 2. Dipping 3. QT For you case, if your bro have resisted the urge of introducing the newcomer into your tank, you would not need to worry liao. For me, I also have learn it the hard way until I learn from the seniors here that what mentioned in the books are to be followed if you want a problem-free hobby.
  19. Hi dleecool, If you are really having ich in your main tank and there are inverts in it too, the only option you have is to: 1. Dismantle the tank 2. Catch out all fishes to a QT tank for Hypo-salinity treatment 3. Let the main tank go without fish (fallow) for 6-8 weeks I myself have experienced the tedious job twice. Bo Pian........ Wish you all the best.
  20. Weileong, I think when you decides to quit corporate life. You can become a Professional Marine Photographer!
  21. Is it authored by Robert Fenner? Good book! Upz for your sale.
  22. Hi Lin, I am no expert leh, also learning and taking guidance from the experts here. Comparing to them, I am nothing. I will keep you posted when I go for my rounds next time. My tank ah, now still going fallow thus full of unsightly algae. Will start taking pixs to post here when I have more time and also when my AT arrived. You are also welcome to drop-by my place provided you dun mind the distance. Take care my friend........
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