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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Nori is actually those seaweed we use to wrap sushi. It is the cheapest marine source green to be given to your tangs. You can either buy those by Ocean Nutrition or buy those for human consumption at any supermarket. Of course those you find in supermarket will be cheaper as compared to Ocean Nutrition. To be at the safe side most reefers soak those supermarket bought nori overnight in freshwater in case they are artificially seasoned.
  2. The easiest way to tell is Camel Shrimp is "humpback". Also, the peppermint shrimp is red and translucent budy while the camel is red with white body. Another best way to tell them a part is the pricing loh.......
  3. Hi bro, so fast upgrade liao ah?!?! Btw, your lobo is very happy in my tank, see my tank thread. Upz for your sale.
  4. Bro, PM u on H & S liao but yet to received your reply.
  5. whats the totel footprint of the EV (Skimmer plus pump? What is the recomneded flowrate for the pump?
  6. Nice tank, I like the great contrast of colours espcially the different shades of reds - must have been a large investment! Btw, hows your Cynarina? The one that flew out from its skeleton?
  7. Thanks Dispar, will PM you only if I intend to sell!
  8. Thanks DeepBlue, glad to have some feedback on my AT! Cuz everyday stare at it until I can't tell whether it is growing / developing well.
  9. Aiyah. Gonio, even experts like A. Calfo and E. Boreman also cannot confirm its proper neeeds and husbandry not to talk about us lah. Anyway, for those that likes Gonio and afriad that they will mysteriously die for no rhyme and reason, they can try Alveopora - closely resemble Gonio but only has 12 tentacles tips as compared to the 24 tentacles tips of the gonio.
  10. Feeding of green foods are a must for herbivorous fishes such as tangs and angels, they seems to thrive with a good complement of green foods in their diet. For me I prefer greens from marine origin such a macro-algae, dried seaweeds (used for sushi making or simply prepared pellets. I try to avoid land based green such as the vegetables we commonly consume as they tends to contain some form Phosphates and also may contain certain nutrients not naturally available in marine based greens.
  11. That's the problem with wrong dosage. In simple words, Ca & Kh has to be belanced. If you add KH plus too much and too fast, your Ca will drop and Vice Versa! Thus if you intend to dose any form of Ca or Kh+, you have to ensure that you dose slowly according to the instructions on the labels and not dose when you feel like it. Wrong dosage will also cuz ionic imbalance and this could be detrimental to your tank - heard of tank crash. I suggest you reading and fully understand how to best to maintain Ca & Kh before you cause anymore unnecessary stress to your inhabitants. If you need, get some senior to personally help you.
  12. Like all LFS loh, they try to bring in arounf Thurs and Fri to capture the Weekend crowd loh. Is there any fish you are looking for?
  13. Bro, I have also just express my views to your views too. So does that even out everything?
  14. No lah bro, actual size is only 2.3" just that it likes to act big bro to the smaller cynarina.
  15. Nice livestocks..... Like the way you systematically shows the different stages of your tank set-up.
  16. Lin, I purposely dun ant you to see it and you still managed to see it so far away! You really have the aptitute for the stomach job.
  17. Bro, henry is one of the guy that I knoe that is willing to reserve fishes for his clients if there are sincere and genuine. He also does that for even sensity fishes such as AT or even Moorish! You can praise any LFS for all you want but dun anyhow bash mah. Especially ML. Most of us are indebted to him in many ways. I for one have received so many advises from him and I am sure lots of bros and sis here can attest to that.
  18. What did Henry do to deserve this????????? How far away from truth do we want to go? Why are we still putting up with all these nonsense!
  19. Wah so many pix and livestocks and you only interested in Gonio? Jat Lat liao
  20. If the if there are not dyed. Gonio are notorious for dying for no rhyme or reasons. Thus Eric Boreman & Anthony Calfo always advises against keeping them! Frankly speaking, I oso have the green one, still wauting for the day to come. So far so good.
  21. Good price for a good skimmer! Reefers that have a sump - mai tu liao! Upz
  22. OIC, in fact, there was another time I was at Reb&^n, I ask Ah Soon whether these are coloured, he told me yes. But as long as its free, why complain......
  23. boh bian la. when there is demand there is supply. that's why I always check and double check with different source b4 i buy. Also being good friends with the reputable LFS does help too.
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