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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Below is the most detailed literature written on the needs and husbandry of Gonio. Goniopora p.s. Always take reccomendations with a pinch of salt, especially if they are making $$$ by selling it to you.
  2. Read if before in RC, when the sallies ran out of micro algae, they will turn to other food source. Maybe you firfish also going liao thus, it took the opportunity to have a quick meal.
  3. Was at L35 Pasir Ris just now. They have 2 x Peacock Mantis, superb coloration.
  4. Bro Lightningstrike used to use cannister, maybe you would like to check with him.
  5. I-Aquatic, they are one of our sponsor. Here's the Link
  6. Wah lao it is not the skimate that counts lar. Weipro is famous for dark skimate wan. But when you start going into details, I am sure all of us know the results liao - no need to elaborate too much! Besides he is double skimming.
  7. Have not seen it eating leh. Another shot of it.
  8. Here's another shot. Can't seems to positively identify it beside knowing it is Macropharyngodon sp. Any reefers can help?
  9. Leopard Wrasse Macropharyngodon sp. Got it from Iwarna, known for eating Pyramid snails - whith the recent plague, have to be a little kiasu, In case, I accidently introduce some snails into my tank. (keeping fingers crossed)
  10. I think you better check with yiling the problem he is having now before you commit.
  11. They are known as Anemonia or Majano, they are similiar to the Aiptasia except that they are more colourful and the green tentacles will fluoresce until actinic lights. But due to the fact that they moves alot to the irritation and demise of corals some reefers prefer to remove them!
  12. Thank you bro. hope that it will slowly change into the "min chow chow" look.
  13. Bro, you really knows where to get all the red stuffs! Are you a liverpool or Man U fans????? ;-P
  14. So I guess you will be posting pixs of your tank soon....
  15. The closest and clearest shot I can get of my AT so far. Need lesson on photography plus a resonable camera soon.
  16. Another good skimmer going at good price. Those have sump 'mai tu liao'! Upz for your sale.
  17. Wah bro, you have an copperband! Have it been trained not to eat polyps???? heard they are good at controlling bristle worms too. Oh forgot, what about the Regal, also well trained by you? Share leh.... thought they like Polyps and Sponges too.
  18. Aiyah, buy without pump for $300. Go to Petmart, get the Sicce Idra for around $40 and you will have an awesome combination!
  19. Remora is hang-on type and the Urchin is the in-sump type.
  20. Ask our sponsor Ian loh, he is one guy that specializes in Acrylics Tank and such.
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