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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. I think Sis Lin has inspired us to think out of the box! The host and hosted situation is just like a relationship between 2 person. If one likes to be with the other, who are we to say no. And if they decides not to be together, no one can match them together. So for you case Kok Hui, you might want to see whether the Gonio is being irritated by the relationship, if yes, then try to find your maroon another partner.
  2. Thank you for your kind words Madnac. I could'nt have done it without the constant supply of information from SRC and the guidance and mentorship renderred to me by the seniors of this forum. As man can never fully understand nature, I believe we are on a journey to which we have not destination yet. I will continue to search and learn as I go along. Am happy to have people like you to travel with me.
  3. Hi Kok Hui, I think you need to find a home for the clown soon if not your Gonio will stay retracted. But dun just go to an LFS and grab any anemone you see, cuz, different anemone host different fish. I presume you are having the Premnas biaculeatus Maroon Clown, they prefer Entacmaea quadricolor Bubble Tip anemone. Here some Read for you.
  4. No matter how you change, you are still the Master of Reds! Nice work bro.
  5. Thanks William for sharing your nice Mushies and evern generous enough to let us post it a wall paper! Wonder whether I can get my designer to photoshopped your name in mine. Joking only, will never do that cuz whatever is not mine, no point pretending.
  6. with their attentions drawn towards the ###### chambermaids who started to change their wet pee'ed pants, they have totally forgotten the impending danger.....
  7. Actually besides looking into reducing your NO3 to 0.03ppm and increasing your salinity to 1.025. You may want to check on your temperature of your tank as well. Cuz there have been studies that showed fluctuation and increase of temperature are major contributing factors to coral bleaching both in captive systems and in the wild. Thats is why, marine biologist are constamtly the ones that sounds the alarm on global warming. Dr Timothy A. Hovanec, Ph. D have done an experiment regarding this issue, here's an excerpt of his works: "In any case, for aquarist this study suggests elevated water temperatures can cause bleaching. If you’re corals are experiencing bleaching and there seems to be no cause perhaps setting up a constant measuring thermometer in your tank might be a good idea. Monitoring water temperature, especially during the summer, may be a cheap way to prevent bleaching in your corals. There are some which can be relatively easily hooked up to a personal computer. Measure the water temperature every few minutes for several days and note any bleaching/unhealthy corals. Then plot the data and see if there is any correlation. Also are there periods of time when the house or apartment is always closed up? Make sure to measure at those times. If there are periods when the temperature increases above normal by 3 to 5 deg C, this may be an indication that you need better temperature control. If your ambient water temperature is above 28 deg C, chances are that your water temperature is chronically high and you need a chiller." And here;s the Link just in case you need more information. Hope this helps.
  8. Can call AquaMart to check loh, since they are the local rep. Anyway, AquaMart have been around many years liao, should have all the voltage issues all sorted out liao.
  9. Actually no proven methods but, I only try to eliminate the causes loh. Here are some of the points I have considered when getting and maintaining the C. loriculus: 1. I ensure that I get them young so that they dun have habits that are hard to break i.e, developed a taste of corals polyps. 2. Getting them wean on pellets and prepared foods before releasing into the reef tank. 3. Ensure that they are constantly fed so that they will leave the corals alone. So far, this is my 2nd flame that I have kept personally without nipping on corals (the first one died when I was doing Hypo due to ich). I have also used this methods on 2 more flames which belongs to another brother.
  10. That's the Sniper - One Shot One Kill!
  11. S3 where is the SITREP???
  12. My sentiment bro WL! Too much hot air is bad man.
  13. Bro, Artica 1/2 horse can??
  14. Its about giving proper credit to the proper people. Its about leaving it to the exeperts sometimes. Its about sharing real information rather than just empty air.
  15. I was shocked when I saw your fingers the other day. I believe you must have gone through more than what you can put in just a couple of words!
  16. Bro, with this now it is known that you are one of the few that have actually DIY a overflow box. Not just use one before. I am glad I have done my part.
  17. I only share if I have experience it myself but will leave it to the experts if I am not sure. I will not pretend to know everything cuz I don't. And I try to give credit to those that have taught me by quoting directly or indirectly if it is not convenient. Sometimes I wonder, what will happen to some of us if plagarism is taken seriously here.
  18. All stations, final nuke now.
  19. Actually I chose to point out some people who have no knowledge what so ever but still act as if he know and start advising people as if he knows alot. And when he dun know he start PMing seniors to asked for advises before appearing again in the forum as "MR Know All". Take for example this forum, everyone here knows that Hermit have been DIYing for long time liao and he even DIY a overflow box for that someone who after buying thinks he knows all about DIY of overflow box and start giving advises. So are you such person????
  20. Hermit bro, I am still bracing for the bomb. Anyway, I will respond accordingly.
  21. No worries bro, missed you though.
  22. I was just responding to your statement on "and hope both of your paths dont cross". Am I understanding you wrongly again.
  23. OH my goodness DK! Sad to hear that!
  24. Thanks DK for pointing it out. really appreciate it. But wonder why you also barge in too. Anyway, as I mentioned I will not say more unless I want to spill the beans to all, including the most recent PMs I have received.
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