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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. If your skimmer is not working then how to reduce ANN? Maybe you would like to invite some senior/s to go over your place to have a look and settle it once and for all. Cuz nothing beats a onsite "consultation".
  2. Thank you bro, I will care for it just as I care for my tank - or maybe even more!
  3. I wouldn't have that opportunity if it wasn't for you bro. Thanks again.
  4. Great patience! You will definitely be rewarded. Anyway, nice work.
  5. But you will never know, cuz they are known to switch ###### when there is demands.
  6. Hey bro, think you have to come my house one day liao. Cannot say what but I am sure you know what I want you to do right.
  7. Think still Juv. If Alpha Males, I dun think you will be able to get it at that price.
  8. Dun play play the Apha Males will look like this!
  9. Worth it lah bro, where did you find it?
  10. No lah bro, this is adult color liao the Juv supposed to be blue based with yellow lines.
  11. Prec, if you want you better cheong liao, after DA posted the price, I believe some bros already scramble there liao.
  12. Actually the first touch was by Victor! Ever seen a LFS owner catches fast swimming wrasses with his bare hands???? We saw that with the rubrisquamis!
  13. You have to DIY them. There are good, as stands will prevent dead spots and save some costs of purchasing lots of LR.
  14. Btw, I noticed my solorensis developed a red upper lip - very nice! Hope yours will too, soon.
  15. You don't need this pic to confirm ID. Yesterday, after you fished it out, I already knew that it was a gem!
  16. Strawberry going after the ###### of the lubocki. Anyway, got to salute you on spotting the strawberry! Imagine, I was there too and even upon prompting by you I conveniently conclude that it is the not the rare strawberry. Anyway, you totally deserve it!
  17. Btw bro, as per our last, the solorensis and the equisitus both tag- team on my cyanopleura that it got by the overflow and end up in the box at the overflow outlet. Luckily I found it and have since release it into my sump to make friends with 2 x D. greissingeri, 1 x S. nematodes, 1 x A. randalli, 1 x D. excisus, 1 x C. tangaroai, 1 x H. hassi and 2 x S. hispidus. After I release it, it promptly went to bed among the LR.
  18. Hi Dispar, I think the tang we saw is a juv Acanthurus nigrofuscus. But I can't get a good pic of it except the old books I have but even then they are painted instead of Photos. Do you think you have the correct ID?
  19. Nice work bro! I think your LRs is still not enough but I guess you will be adding as you go along. Anyway, ensure that you fully cycled your tank, you will be amazed by the results you get.
  20. Dun forget he is also the "Zoo Keeper".
  21. Thanks HuanJie. Sometimes we just have to sit back and count our blessings.
  22. Bro Reefaholic, didn't know you are her client. So bro, are you the one we met one day at I-Aquarium? Eh bro, since you know her predicament, hope you can help look out for her. TIA
  23. And Double Corneas if you may have noticed.
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