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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Another closer shot of my acans. This is the closest I can get liao, my cam no Zoom wan.
  2. What else can I say except AWESOME! :bow:
  3. Another shot of the Crocea with a normal by its side to compare its brilliant.
  4. Yesterday new acquistion, supposedly a Grade 1 Crocea.
  5. I fully agree with Astrobol, the key is to find the correct placement. Once you have done it, there won't be much problem liao. I personally have 1 x 820, 1 x 620 and 1 x Tunze 6000 in my 3ft. Initially when I wanted to get the Tunze, I was afriad as most bros have bad experience with it in a 3ft. After a few minutes of twitching, I managed to settle the problem liao. Another bro I know have a 6060 in his 3ft too.
  6. My wife and I am expecting our first born coming 1 to 2 weeks! Wish us all Good Luck and lots of it!
  7. Too bad, I am going Japan tommorow liao. If not I can help, will try to inform other bros to help. Good luck bro!
  8. Hi Hotlemond, I use Kalk Reactor. Dun have macro algae and dun intend to buy. I feed self-prepared frozen food, if you need, I can pass you some samples. But dun eat it yourself!
  9. Personally I would not advise you scrubbing the rocks and risk another ANN spike. What I would do if I were you is to: 1) Ensure that I used only DI or Distilled water for mixing with the corallife salt you are curretly using (distilled water can be bought off the shelf at a major supermarket). 2) Remove, scrape and pluck out any many algi as I can. 3) Get a FR with Phosphate remover, if on budget get the Aquaz purephos - good enough. 4) Increase the flow within the tank by installing a powerhead such as Rio Seio 620. 5) Stopped adding anymore LS. 6) Patiently wait for the tank and refugium to mature (it may be new tank syndrome). Good luck!
  10. Thank you Daimy, I am sure your future set-up will be much more impressive than mine! Maybe we the Punggolians can arrange for house visit one of these days.
  11. Remember to show me your masterpiece once it is ready.
  12. Thank you bro, still got alot to learn.
  13. Thanks bro, will remember to pump it up.
  14. The pix might not come oput well. But most of us still are often reminded of the quality corals you guys used to have! Missed those days, although I never have chance to buy from you guys (those days I siow seahorse mah).
  15. Sorry to hear about it bro. You have a fantastic tank! I always admired your tank although I have never requested to visit you. Hope that we will be able to see "Return of the Muk!" soon.
  16. Yes, in fact I bought it as a rock previously for a friend for only $12. Upon passing to him two mouths that were attached to a smaller rocks broke off. So my friend decides to give it to me. Its been 1yr plus liao, my friend's rock of 16pcs did not make it now left with mine.
  17. Thanks Des, I can't wait to see you tank too. I saw your new arrangement and new accquisitions - superb! In the words of A. Calfo: "In shared admiration of the wonderous beauty of the coral realms".
  18. Powder blue.... New crocea not fully open from Reborn today. Should be 1st grade but too bad not fully open at time of shoot.
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