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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Was at CF that day, they have one whole tub of tonga branches. Dunno whether it is available for sales. You can try calling them.
  2. I missed the old days too, although I am still a noobie then.
  3. Wah now a days you "Trigger Happy" liao.
  4. Sold! Thanks to all that show interests.
  5. Thanks Edwan! Willing to exchange for 2nd Hand Eheim Compact 1000 or Sicce Idra.
  6. Yah loh. Good points. I haven't actually decided on VHO. I also heard that Danano uses full T5s without MH, would be good if he could enlighten us on his choice.
  7. Hi guys, Selling my Orangey Cynarina due to lack of space. (The one behind the Flame Angel) Bought it for $60, now selling at $50. Been with me for around 9 months liao. Hope to clear by this weekend. Self collect at Punggol 21. Thanks Correction: Should me 5" Sorry PS. Sorry the flame angel and the samller cynarina not for sale.
  8. Cannot lah bro, I stay HDB leh not private besides space I dun have $$$ too. Its ok, I rather be a follower than a leader.
  9. From what I know URI Tubes, Encaps and Icecaps Ballast are available at Reef Depot. Thus, I believe there bounds to be someone here that have tried or have comtemplated trying. Anyone?
  10. Dear fellow reefers, Wanted some honest opinions and experiences regarding the above lighting systems. I am planning my new 4x2.5x2 mixed reef and wanted to keep the heat & electrical consumption to the bare minimum. Understand that VHO will contribute lesser heat as compared to MH but wonder whether it will colour as good as the MH. I know VHO is super popular in the states and wonder why it did not catch on here. How many VHO will I need if I intend to use VHO solely? TIA!
  11. Nice tank. What sort of filtration you having? Sump, Skimmer or Cannister?
  12. Yah loh, I believe there were 3 pieces when we were there.
  13. Yes, it does but it will slowly die on you. Joking bro, most corals have colours cuz they have a certain kind of algi (Zooxanthalae) living in thier tissue. The coral provide a safe place for the algi to harbour while the algi in terms provide nutrients to the corals through means of photosynthesis. These algi comes in arrays of colour from brown to blue. When you see white corals or very light coloured corals, it usually means that the corals are stressed to the extend that it expelled Zooxanthalae from its tissue (so called Bleached). If this happens, the corals will usually die within the next couple of days. My limited 2 cents. HTH
  14. The one that tear down the whole display just to catch you the fish that you always wanted. Cannot say it here, if not next time I kena banned!
  15. NVM, I will get Auntie (Your God Mother) to reserve one for you when it pop up the next time!
  16. Great work bro! :bow: You have got yourself a pot of gold there!
  17. Hi Alanseah, Do you think stainless steel is safe for reef tank? Will it leach? Since from my limited knowledge, stainless steel are steel treated with chromium. So if it does leach what will the consequences be? TIA
  18. I have ran Biostar Flotor with Eheim 2213 of 2ft without sump. Am pleased with it. Personally I feel Biostar Flotor is a good investment for a Nano especially if you dun have a sump.
  19. I know of a reefer here have a Jordani Flame Wrasse in his freezer!
  20. You can try the Aquaz Biplex Premium A & B, it is available in Petmart. I have tried it previously when they launch it and must say that it serve its needs when you are looking for a safe way to maintain Ca and KH. But since I have more corals, I have resorted to powdered kalk, Ca, Mg and kH. You may chcek out this Link. HTH
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