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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. One of my friend did a test with Diamond water 1 year ago after his wife brought home the Diamond unit for testing You know Diamond water always use goldfishes to promote their product? What my friend did was: Bought 6 goldfish Place 3 each in a similiar identical 2ft tank with the same filter and aeration Tank A uses only Diamond water without any anti-chorine Tank B uses Tap water with Hagen Nutrifin 3 weeks later, Tank B 0 casualty, Tank A 0 survival. But the above is just his independant experiment. It does not conclusively prove that Diamond water is bad, just that I will not use it for my tank.
  2. I love Maxijets. Used to be my favourite choice before Seios is available.
  3. It depends on your placement. I know of a reefer here that have tried a Tunze 6060 in his 2ft. FYI the Seio's 820 pushes 820l/hr while the Tunze pushes a whopping 6000l/hr. Generally most reefers will maintain a minimum of 10 - 15 times of water turnover in a average reef tank.
  4. Hi Terryz, Great to see your post here! Keep us posted! Cheers.
  5. Since this is a thread on SPS photos without lighting, I will like to vote the below photo cuz it is the most relevant and best one so far. As for the rest of the posts, maybe I am too ignorant or dumb to relate back to the topic. Thus my apologies!
  6. Hi Bro, I am not a lawyer but I have previously communicated with Reefer-Buddha, after the incident all the forums he participated barred him. I am not sure whether it is directly or indirectly link to this incident as I have never been able to contact him since.
  7. Nveer mnid, got ncie pohto can laio.
  8. Do you know how much water is evaporated daily? You may drip the same amount for a start and test periodically to see whether your kH & Ca is still within range. If not, adjust accordingly. HTH
  9. Last to formally apologize to bro Hypo C, he has reserved the Bi-Colour blenny but last minute my friend's wife decides to keep it for her Nano in the office. Sorry Hypo C
  10. Herewith are the pics of the Percula pair.
  11. Remora will need a pump with 1200l/hr (Max) flow while the Remora Pro needs about 1400l/hr (Max). I am SICCE Idra 1200/hr for my Remoras and Urchins. Although Aqua C recomended MaxiJet 1200 which has a flowrate of 1110l/hr. HTH
  12. Bro, Dun mean to throw cold water into your idea but the spray injection system is patented and the company will pursue any infringments to the fullest. Reefer_Buddha took the full wrath when he posted his Nanomora. Although I like your DIY and appreciate your efforts, I think it is prudent that your are aware of the consequences.
  13. That's why I am concern whether he could be dylexic.
  14. Baking Soda will raise dkH but if you use drip kalk in a FOWLR, you will not really need to resort into Baking Soda. Sugar have be a source of debate for many years regarding its function and the bacteria it encourages. I suggest you stick to the well proven method first in order not to confused yourself any further. Try to read up articles written by Robert Fenner, he is one of the respected guru when comes to FOWLRs. HTH
  15. Well it depends on the livestocks you intend to keep. If you are thinking FOWLR, then you will not be very concern with phosphate as compared to if you intend to have SPS. Ca and kH are the basic parameters you need to maintain together with ANN (Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate). Thus, I suggest you start with the basic parameters first. By the way, if you are dripping Kalkwasser, there have be reseach that prove Kalkwasser percipitate Phosphate and in term Phosphate will be skim out by skimmer. Thus I feel that Kalk is one good additives for a start. Herewith are some links for your necessary info: Kalk 1 Kalk 2
  16. If it is due to your not aerating your fresh water, the symptom will disappear after a couple of hours to a day.
  17. So I guess I shouldn't have posted then. Sorry.
  18. Thanks for the brief intro, looking forward to more details.
  19. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn 't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Such a cdonition is arppoiately cllaed Typoglycemia - Amzanig huh? Yaeh and yuo awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.
  20. Teacher teacher, why you spell Isacc as Issac?
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