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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Oops pardon my ignorance.... A carton of coke on me then.
  2. Real life example of one that will go asexual: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caulerpa_taxifolia http://www.hawaii.edu/reefalgae/invasive_a...a_taxifolia.htm http://www.sccat.net/caulerpa.php
  3. You may want to try my friend Alvin: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...topic=62994&hl= His is a 6 x 24w Macro T5 set. IMHO its a good buy. HTH
  4. Thank you guys for the encouragements and invitations, I look forward to meeting you guys on your next gatherings.
  5. Very relax liao..... Btw, you seems to be someone I know.... PM me if you are....
  6. Bro, I think there is a typo here, Cheato are multicellular thus they won't go asexual. Single cell algi will go asexual.
  7. Yo bro, I am chill... Anyway time, is the best test for this kind of things. We may fall for some old wives' tales when we are newbies but soon we will learn to discern crap from gold. By allowing unfounded comments to increase will only stifle genuine information from flowing out which in the end will affect the quality of reefers here.
  8. Hi bro, Not sure whether epsom salt can really help since epsom salt is only used it our hobby as a magnesium supplement. However, the below links may help you with regards to the disease. http://saltaquarium.about.com/cs/compldiag.../a/aa053001.htm http://www.fishforever.co.uk/fish-disease.html http://animal-world.com/encyclo/fresh/info...on/Diseases.htm HTH
  9. All I can say is.... If you want to point things out, kindly ensure that you have literature/s to back you up (especially when it controversial). As I have mentioned several times, I am ok with other opinions (there are more than 1 way to skin a cat) but I believe its only basic courtesy to bring out your opinion/s in a objective manner. Challlenging someone's opinion without justifications will only draws flakes. Btw, I do keep screen captures of the rude remarks targetted at me that were subsequently edited to paint a different story. I believe the administrator of this forum will be able to verify as well if needed. Thus, please note that we are here to share good information with proven methods in written format rather than some old wives tales by some unknown keyboard hero with so called unproven several years of experience without proper literature/s.
  10. I am not a malay but I understand abit of bahasa. IMHO, you guys rocks in terms of your sharing of info/frags and the genuine care and concerns shown here. I salute you!
  11. Don't thank me, I should say sorry for leaving a bad taste in your thread. Anyway, just feels that its always better to have some form of literature when posting advises rather than imposing on certain beliefs without rhymes or reasons.
  12. Searched very hard and finally found 2 out of 8 users in this post claimed that they have problem with blood shrimp. http://www.aquahobby.com/marine/e_debelius.php PS: You can throw whatever smoke you want, I don't care and will stay far far away. But don't throw smoke on me.
  13. Write up by James Fatheree MSC on shrimps: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i2/fathe...mps/james_w.htm
  14. Another reefer with skunk cleaner and blood shrimps in the same tank. http://www.aquariacentral.com/forums/archi...php/t-5875.html
  15. Here's one from a nano reefer: http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=130771
  16. Why don't you provide some literature/s to proof that fire shrimps will attacked cleaner shrimps?
  17. Fire shrimps are from deeper waters thus nor as common as cleaner shrimps. Just be patience and keep a look out, I am sure you will stumble upon a shipment soon. HTH
  18. Sorry bro, I have all the pictures he have given to me, maybe you can sms him for further details. Paiseh
  19. Bro... I never de-comm. Just the people around me de-comming and getting me to help post.... You de-comm??? What happened??? Anyway Up for you.
  20. Herewith is a study by another group of scientist trying to harness the bacteria responsible of the degrading of shrimp exoskeleton to manage crude oil polution. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=A...ed837e3c1d261f1 HTH
  21. Below is a study on why we are unable to find so many exoskeleton of shrimp on the beaches or our tank since they moult so frequently. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0883-1351...%3E2.0.CO%3B2-5 Basically, the article surmised that besides scavengers destructions, bacteria decomposition plays a very important part as well.
  22. Here's an example of a debate by 2 moderators regarding the addition of Iodine. http://www.reefland.com/forum/marine-fish-...-info-pics.html In the end, its up to individual hobbyist, tanks, parameters, stocking and many items things that we lowly humans have yet to discover to make the informed decision. HTH
  23. Actually the debate on whether or not iodine is needed for moulting is still out there and there are still - No Conclusion. I posted based on my own experience and shared with relevant literature. Btw, synthethic materials such as plastic will take 3000yrs to dis-intergrate. But most materials manufactured by Mother Nature are meant to be bio-degradeable therefore will take much less than 3000yrs.
  24. It is also found at varying concentrations in the exoskeletons of crustaceans for which it is considered beneficial at the correct levels. Source: http://www.reef-eden.net/iodine_in_the_reef_aquarium.htm
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