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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hi Bro, Tried with 2000/I on my RA680 before, works fine. My chiller was 1.5m from the sump. HTH
  2. What a pity, some experts claim that it could be due to their unknown diet that cannot be found in capitivity unless a huge matured tank. Anyway, thanks for sharing!
  3. Hi Simon, the white spotted. Hope it will do well in your tank.
  4. Hi Simon, how long have you kept the Anampses melanurus? They are notorious for not been able to sustain long term in capitivity.
  5. Its common for fox fish to shred skin periodically.
  6. LOL, I guess that's the meaning of senior members. LOL
  7. Hi Bro Fishtalk, Your memory really failed you this time - MD55 flow is only 1080 gph which is about 4000+ lph.
  8. Hi bro, Look out for shipment from hawaii, usually will have. HTH
  9. I lub Army too, too bad they think I am too old liao. Missed having a 2 weeks break from work to do nothing but squat among the bushes to joke and fart all day long.
  10. *Off Topic* Hey Jin Hui, you so fast MR liao???!???!!!! It takes me 13yrs to get my MR!!!
  11. I personally have met drato11 once but have heard countless good samaritan acts he has done to help reefers. I am unsure how an encouragement can lead to threats!!!
  12. Below items still available: 1) Resun Chiller CL650 (less than 2yrs) - $200.00 2) Atman Metal Halides (150w) Double Ended C/W 10kk BLV (less than 2 yrs). Blue Power Compact lights needs servcing - $80.00 Please contact him direct (Danny 96928378), he stays in Senkang thus that will be the likely collection place.
  13. I might be wrong but I believe Transporter have posted a similar Dupla CR pix as per below: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=68586&hl= Bro Jem, do accept my humble apologies if your set is different from his. Upz.
  14. Hi Bro, During my 3 ft tank days, I used to have Alpheus randalli in my 6in DSB.
  15. Hi bro, If I were you, I will remove them. The green stuffs could be bryopsis (nuisance algae). The white thing is a tunicate, may not suvive the cycling period thus adviseable to remove. You may check out the below links for more info: http://saltaquarium.about.com/od/liverockb..._curelrinaq.htm http://www.liveaquaria.com/general/general...eral_pagesid=31 http://www.livestockusa.org/CURING.html HTH
  16. Hi bro, I think its Rhodactis sp. aka Hairy Mushroom. http://www.tidalgardens.com/pages/coral/rhodactis.html HTH
  17. Wow... Such a good skimmer at such good price! Too bad Paradiz Reef no longer around, if not reefers will be able to witness the performance of EuroReef. Upz.
  18. No worries. 200mm x 200mm is quite a good size for LR, upz!
  19. That's right bro! In fact, some studies suggest that clams feed on nitrates. I was thinking in the line of acclimation i.e. low nitrate environment at seller's tank and afterwhich introduced into a tank with high nitrate.
  20. Wa bro, Sometime I wonder whether you are in fact a professional photo-journalist! You seems to be able to have so much opportunities to travel and take photos during work. Thanks for sharing anyway.
  21. Did I hear "FRAG"????.... Congratulations for the Return of Malay Reefers Part III...
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