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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Hi Bro, For those it could be some kind of sponges (see below) that usually hitch hike on LRs, I usually remove them. In fact, I always check my LRs and even corals carefully to ensure that I do not have any unwanted pest lurking in them. "Chicken Liver Sponge- invasive 6/4/03 I have a 180 gal. reef tank that's been set up for 1 1/2 years. Most of it's contents came from two other tanks which where running for about 4 years. I had purchased a Turbinaria coral from my aquarium club auction (Brooklyn Aquarium Society) about 3 years ago which had a small brown sponge on the rock. At the time I thought it was a great deal, 2-for-1. Unfortunately I've been battling the spread of this sponge-from-hell for the last couple of years. I've done everything from removing rocks to injecting Kalkwasser/Muriatic acid to pulling it off the rocks. <Yowsa... look out for the flamethrowers and napalm, next!> This stuff just will not die. I have tried to ID the sponge, the best I can guess is it looks like chicken liver sponge (Chondrilla). <Doh! that sounds like the invasive bugger> I was hoping you might know of a natural predator e.g. Nudibranch, sea star or reef safe fish that I might try to control this sponge? Thank you. Kevin Moriarty (aquanut) <try some urchins instead, my friend... truly lawnmowers on a reef. May or may not help here... sponges are certainly noxious... and chicken liver sponge does have a horrible reputation. Best regards, Anthony> Source: www.wetwebmedia.com" More info: http://www.marinespecies.eu/species.php?sp...uide&id=444 http://www.thecephalopodpage.org/MarineInv...illanucula.html HTH
  2. Oic, care to share what you place in the IOS compartments? I used to place filter bags with carbon and purigen etc.
  3. Hi Bro, Is your tank from CR Aquarium? I used to have one previously? Care to share some pics of your IOS compartment? TIA
  4. Since we are at the topic of bully, would like to share this video from You Tube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE5yINOn4N4
  5. Another think to add is that like some literature; I believe sponges are a key to MI survival too. They will use their long snout to peck on sponges growing within the LR thus it is good to have some established LRs. Happy Reefing
  6. Hi Jack, I have kept one for almost 2 years and have to sell it during one of my last re-scape. IMHO, find a healthy and feeding specimen; ensure no similar looking fishes in your tank and provide a varied diet is the key to keeping them. Like most reef fishes, MI will be territorial once establish thus you should avoid adding similar looking fishes after your MI as well. Also, I personally will keep MI in FOWLR as I do not find them completely reef-save. HTH
  7. Your most welcome, feel free to contact me if you need my 2 cents. ;-)
  8. Maybe I am wrong, these are the figures I got from a Chinese forum: ATMAN-304 è§„æ ¼ï¼š 电压:220ä¼ åŠŸçŽ‡ï¼š15瓦 扬程:1.1ç±³ æµé‡ï¼š800L/H 尺寸:6.8×5×7(长厚高厘米) But anyway, as long as your find there's nothing wrong, it should be fine. Cheers.
  9. Hi Bro, Its definitely not coralines, I suggest you siphon them out. Don't have to direct it downwards, either horizontal or a slight tilt downwards and face it slightly to the front rather than directly at the return pipe. HTH ;-)
  10. Nice set-up! IMHO, the bubbles will greatly reduce if you do not point the wave maker towards the surface. Also, pointing pump towards the surface will cause salt spray on your lightings. ;-)
  11. Hi Bro, It was good to read thru your entire tank set-up, it was an demonstration of your DIY skills, plan and also your commitment. I have only 1 comment for you - Weipro 2011 does best with 2000l/hr flow and thus using the Atman 104 was the right decision from the start. That's why you experience a drop in the skimmer performance when you change to Atman 304 which is only 800l/hr. I believe your Atman 104 was noisy due to the fact that the pump have not been used after your last decomm. I suggest you revert to a pump that provides around 2000l/hr as your skimmer pump. HTH ;-)
  12. You sure they are selling wine and not something else???
  13. Yup... some literature classify them as reef safe but personally my encounters have been otherwise. You may want to observe more closely whether it is just feeding on the mucous or the polyp itself. If its just the mucous and your coral is not complaining than there is no reason for selling this adorable fish. HTH ;-)
  14. Collected the Welso today. Upz for the Lobo - unique colorations.
  15. Hi Bro, In the wild clown gobies are usually found living among hard coral branches, they have been observations that they will feed on the mucous and polyps of certain sps thus most reefers avoided them. HTH ;-)
  16. Hi Bro, If I am not wrong, that means you minimum horizontal width of your overflow box. HTH ;-)
  17. Beside that hybrid powder blue's tail come with a yellow stripe vs white of powder blue.
  18. Power Blue Hybrids are readily available and some LFS actually sold them as just normal Powder Blue. For me, I missed the shipment from Reborn if not I could have save a couple of blue notes. Sigh.... Too fast for my camera skill to take decent pics - any bro volunteer to help me take?
  19. I missed the reborn shipment and ended getting it from Coral Farm... so I actually paid 3 figures for it. But no choice la... Anyway it was a good specimen - 3.5 inch and very robust - this is my only consolation.
  20. Sorry to hear about your plight Simon. The very first time I encountered it was 2 years ago at an car park near ##### Marine. I was suspicious but reluctant to "offend" them as they usually approach me when I am parking my car and I am afraid that that my car will be dis-figured when I am gone. But after several time, and after hearing from friends who have been conned, I usually will give the guys in blue a call whenever I meet these people.
  21. Personally, I have tried Rowa, ESV, Tunze, TLF & Aquapharm Black Gold. All of them are great but Tunze seems to be the most cost effective at present. I have also tried those local/China brands carbon but those contain lots of ash that I will never let it go near my tank. Recently, I am trying a carbon which I bought carbon by bulk from commercial source, so far so good and will continue to use it.
  22. Hello, don't just tempt us, post a pic of your 3 powder series lei....
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