Dear reefers,
The Marine Aquarist Society (Singapore) will be inviting Mr. Peter Schmeidel, a accomplished German reefer/breeder to share with us his experiences on the Resplendent Angel. The Resplendent angel is only known from Ascension Island, mid Atlantic Ocean and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) has placed the Resplendent Angel on its Red List of Threatened Animals (1996). It is the only marine angelfish species on this list. While this species is common in Ascension’s coastal waters its population size is considered vulnerable because it is restricted to a tiny island locality.
Venue: The Serangoon CC
Date: August 2
Time: 5pm to 6pm
Topic: The Resplendent Angel Experience - Natural Habitat to Breeding Tank
Estimated Attendance: 25-30 (RSVP -
Remarks: Attendees will receive goody bags from our sponsors and there will also be a lucky draw at the end of the talk.
I hope that the reefers here will find the talk meaningful and look forward to your RSVP as the seats are limited.