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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. If the connection between the pipe and pump is threaded it should be easy to replace. If its been silicone tight, then you may need to have some additional pipes and union in order to solve the problem. Maybe you can post a closed up pic of the pump and pipe assembly, we may be able to give you better advise. HTH
  2. Mebner is available at: Mainland Tropical Fish Farm No.1 Pasir Ris Farmway 1, Singapore 519352 Tel : 6287 3883, 6584 3643, 6581 2550 Fax : 6288 4200 Email : enquiries@mainlandfishfarm.com
  3. Anyone spotted tuxedo urchin (Mespilla globulus), am looking for a small one (2cm diameter) to keep my coralines in check.
  4. Wow Kh 19 and Ca 900?!! If you are having sps tank, your tank will be white by now. Do frequent partial water change to bring the parameters back to norm. HTH
  5. Cerith are good as they will consume and also aerate the sand bed. Nuisance algae or diatoms are limited by nutrients, thus when nutrients are low, they will not grow. HTH
  6. Here's some info for you: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-11/fm/feature/ Enjoy
  7. Bro, you need to keep the nitrate below 5ppm. Personally, I find that you may be experiencing "new tank syndrome" where: 1) diatoms/algae are feeding on the silicates, phosphate from the sand bed and LRs 2) algae feeding on the nitrates created as a by-product of nitrification HTH
  8. I'm using it now. Was using some cheaper brand when its screw up my tank.
  9. I am aware that there are 3 brand offering balling in Singapore, are there anymore? 1) Grotech 2) Fauna Marin 3) Coral Shop
  10. Hi bro, You may want to try Garlin Pte Ltd, they sells all types of rubber o rings and gaskets. HTH
  11. The Balling Light includes trace elements, but skips many of the more complicated Amino Acid and NaCl free salt additions that are used in the Balling Complete Method. Instead it relies on the above Ca, Alk, and Mg ingredients and weekly 10% water changes. The weekly 10% water changes are to address a possible build up of NaCl. Thus if you intend to use normal salt-mix, Balling light is the way to go. http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/showthread.php?t=226511 HTH
  12. Hi bro, auntie is right, may be a plate cuz anemone does not have skeleton. Color faded may be due to water chemistry, are you using NSW or salt-mix? What's your salinity, temperature, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate readings? However if its getting lighter and lighter its may be bleaching, you need to be careful if this is the case. HTH
  13. There are some species that sport short tentacles, they are just as nice. G. eclipsensis G. palmensis
  14. Hi bro, I have an issue of Tropical Fish Magazine featuring cephalopods, if you are hungry for published info PM me.
  15. Thanks, for all interests LRs currently on hold for 2 weeks.
  16. Bro, What salt-mix will you be using, FMLK balling needs salt-mix low in sodium chloride (NaCl). There are some trying out Balling-light, you considering that as well?
  17. Tonmo is a great site with good info on octopus. Iskay and Terryz are right, you need to do lots of research now before you end up with a semi-dried, smelly mess stuck to your floor! Do note that octopus usually have a life of less than 2 years when they reaches our shops, thus they are not popular with aquarists in this part of the world. HTH
  18. Hi May&Bruce, Its been quite a while since I saw your post, how's life been for you? Coralife is still available, you can try Clementi 328. Have seen Coral Reef salt around but never have the guts to try, maybe some of the bros here can advise, do let us know your observations too. HTH
  19. Hi David, Resun Ozonizer Brand New $40, you want? http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...mp;#entry811175
  20. Ups... its been curing for so long liao.... no need to worry about hitch-hikers. Price negotiable, can also consider bulk price.
  21. The traditional way is to drain off and let the silicone have sufficient time to cure. if not, the water will find it way though sooner or later.
  22. OMG!!!!! Thanks for sharing!
  23. Very informative thread. Thanks!
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