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Everything posted by Gouldian

  1. Bro, suggest you don't use Full Caps in your post as they may be seen as Shouting.
  2. Technically can be done but suggest to do so in an isolated tank with its own filtration system as a dying anemone have been the culprit of many crashed tank.
  3. Hi bro, Chemipure or any GAC (Granulated Activated Carbon) will be able to remove the yellowish compound in your water. Your below livestocks may be too much for a 75g tank. Without a good skimmer for nutrients export, your problem will comes back after a few days.
  4. If its in your hand, it will be called LemonLemon BTA.
  5. If I am not wrong, Laguna pumps are not suitable for salt water applications. I have seen a Laguna rusting from the core even when connected out sump.
  6. Moved to the correct sub-forum.
  7. I agree with the above. It is trying to do some bodily fluid exchange (hope I don't sound xxx again) By the way, Karen Rose Anemones is a good reliable reference site for anemones.
  8. My personal beliefs is that skimmers are built to remove gunck from the system and therefore the more gunk removed the better. Like some of the reefers here, I conclude which skimmer is better by running 2 skimmers in the same system to see which one manages to pull out more gunk. However, you need to take in considerations the re-selling of your unwanted skimmers after testing. The quality of the materials and pump used is also important as well when looking at the durabilty aspect of the skimmer.
  9. Hi bulldog, How do you define deflate? You mean the bubble tip deflate or the entire anemone shrank?
  10. Wow those are expensive substrates! Anyway, I was guilty of that too
  11. Hi Bulldog, Seems like both have survive and acclimated to the initial difference in water parameters, I believe both will do well from this point.
  12. Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing your new set-up.
  13. Congrats! Breeder's journal please...
  14. Hi bulldog, One of the most probable reason why anemones split after introducing into our tank is mostly due to the vast cahnge in water parameters. That is also the reason why your anemone went into hiding after being release. My personal advise when introducing any sensitive fishes are invertebrates is to drip acclimation prior to release. If I were you, I will try to retrieve the hidden anemone and place it in the beta box together with its sister. During this period, try to do more frequent water changes and maintain constant photo period. This will get your anemones acclimated to your lighting schedule and your water parameters. After a week and there isn't any stress show by the anemone (eg expelling zoozanthelae), you can place the anemone on a clean concave rock for the anemone's food to hold-fast and feel secure. Once the anemone is seated on the rock, move the anemone together with the rock into the position you wanted in your display. HTH
  15. My personal believe the strains of bacteria will crashed and then follow by a bloom of other strains of bacteria that thrive in higher nutrients environment.
  16. Yes, your tank will smell like a rubbish bin! The bacteria we are used too in our tank will not be able to handle that much ANN and will be overwhelm.
  17. Hi Nimrod, Were the eggs fertilized? My pairs used to lays eggs but they were either not fertilized or the brooding duration were in-sufficient - parents are easily spooked into giving up brooding. Hope you will have better luck! Do keep me posted!
  18. Hi, You mentioned you added fish food, are they pellets, fresh or frozen? Adding fresh or frozen food such as mysis and brine shrimp will help in the cycling of the tank. As the food decomposes, it will create a ammonia spike thereby kick start the cycling process. I have once register a spike only on the 8-9 days after adding a fresh shrimp from the market. HTH
  19. Went there with an Italian friend a few days ago, he tested them (the kitchen team) by asking for authentic Italian Spaghetti Cabonara expecting the kitchen to churn out some 'overcooked' noodles with cream sauce. To his pleasant surprise the Cabonara came Al Dente and without cream. He was very please and even offered me to try - I must say the Al Dente part needs to get a little used to but Cabonara without cream is good. Upon reaching the end of Dinner, Chef Peter came and told us that he perfected his Italian cuisine in Bologna thus he knows what my Italian friend like. Being the pizza guy, I opt for the Carnivore Pizza (thin crust, Napoli style) which is $24 and I shared with my wife. Those wanting to have a casual valentine without the hassle may want to check them out. http://cacioepepe.com.sg/CacioePepe/Cacio_...Restaurant.html
  20. Hey Nimrod, I will need to visit you one day! You reminded the beautiful memories I had with these beautiful birds, I am always amused by their courtship dance!
  21. Nice choice of laminates. Looking forward to more updates.
  22. Nick name: shirt Color code ( Please check pdf attachment) / Size ( S/M/L/XL ) / Quantity required 1. Harlequin Mania / HC0300 white / L / 02 pcs 2. LaW / HC0305 red / M / 01 pcs 3. Kikobananas / HC0305 red / L / 01 pcs 4. Samsies / HC0302 Black with Orange Trim / L / 01 pc 5. OneOneFourFour / HC0300 white / M / 01 pc 6. OneOneFourFour / HC0302 black / M / 01 pc 7. digibee / HC0300 white / XL / 01 pc 8. Poomoon / HC0305 red / M / 01 pc 9. Poomoon / HC0305 red / S / 01 pc 10. justin / HC0302 black / M / 1 pc 11. Gouldian /HC0300 White / M / 1pc
  23. If you are keen, I am sure there will be shops willing to do a demo for you and getting the before and after temperature should be easy. Alternatively, get a bro that have a hydor to do it for you.
  24. Hi, Co2 is used to melt calcium media in a calcium reactor so that calcium enriched water can be supplied into your tank. HTH
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